Tuesday, September 11, 2018


Junior Vikatan magazine opens

The Pandora’s box on MGR

 The December 26 th dated issue of Tamil investigative bi weekly Junior Vikatan had carried a wrapper story titled “ What happened on December 24 th 1987 early morning in MGR’s house? The journal carries an interview by M.G.Ramachandran’s brother M.G.Chakrapani’s son M.G.C.Sukumar. His sister Leelavathy donated her kidney when M.G.Ramachandran had kidney failure. But this fact was suppressed and did not reach the knowledge of M.G.Ramachandran till Valampuri John, a former M.P wrote a poem on the sacrifice made by Leelalavathy. After reading the poem MGR came to know and through his cabinet colleague Panruti S.Ramachandran got it confirmed, the interview mentions.

M.G.Sukumar, who seems to have soft corner for Miss. J.Jayalalitha, directly points out that both Kalaignar M.Karunanithi and J.Jayalalitha were forbidden from having a last glimpse of MGR’s body. Both may be rivals in politics, but day in and day out both are shooting statements after statements. They must open their mouth and say what happened to them at that time. Kalaignar M.Karunanithi gracefully left, M.G.C.Sumukar says. He also says M.G.R’s body was smuggled out of the MGR gardens. It is also a public scene when J.Jayalalitha was humiliated when she tried to get into the army vehicle that carried MGR’s body.

Excerpts from Vasanthi's book tell what happened on the day of MGR's death :
'MGR is no more.' It was a stunning blow to her. He had departed, leaving her in the lurch. In a daze she summoned the driver and rushed to Ramavaram Gardens, MGR's residence, but when she reached there she was refused permission to enter the house. She got out of the car and banged on the door with her fists. When the door was opened at last no one would say where the body was. She ran up and down the front and back stairs several times but all the doors were firmly slammed on her face to prevent her from having a glimpse of the dead body of the man who was not only her mentor but with whom she had had such a close, emotional association".
"Eventually she was told that his body had been taken away through the back door and driven to Rajaji Hall. She got into her car with her heart pounding and instructed the driver to race there. At Rajaji Hall she rushed to the body and firmly planted herself at the head. MGR lay supine, neatly dressed in his full-sleeved shirt, fur cap and dark glasses - his trademark attire.But the mental and physical torture came from other sources. Several women supporters of Janaki's stood near her and began stamping on her feet, driving their nails into her skin and pinching her to drive her away. But she stood undaunted, swallowing the humiliation and her pride, obstinately remaining where she had taken position. She seemed oblivious of her surroundings. But there must have been one question hammering her brain - what now? She was thirty-eight, single, left in limbo by the very man, now lying lifeless, who had brought her into politics with promises of a great future ahead. She, who had been looked upon by the party cadres as a natural successor to their beloved leader, was now a non-entity, fighting to have a glimpse of the departed leader. It was not in her nature to take defeat lying down".
"She followed the body as it was placed in the gun carriage, trying to place a wreath on the body and join the funeral procession. The soldiers on duty helped her by giving her a hand to get into the carriage. There were at once angry shouts from behind and she saw MLA Dr K.P. Ramalingam advancing menacingly towards her. Suddenly she was assaulted - hit on the forehead by Janaki's nephew Deepan, who pushed her out of the carriage. She was hurt and bruised and shocked beyond words. Disgusted at the insults hurled at her by Deepan and Ramalingam - they called her a prostitute - she decided not to attend the funeral. She was driven home in her Contessa, escorted by soldiers".
M.G.Ramachandran had immense faith in Panruti S.Ramachandran, who was deputed to speak in United Nations on the Tamil Eelam issue. Having said all about the stature of Panruti S.Ramachandran, I beg to him to unravel the mysteries surrounding the M.G.Ramachandran’s demise, the conspiracy to hijack his hidden wealth in that dark day of his demise, of course the earnings could not be by legitimate sources.

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