Tuesday, September 11, 2018


The New Indian Express dated 17th November 2011 in its front page carried a report from Madurai the title of which was BAN FISHING IN PALK STRAITS: COAST GUARD. Indian Coast Guard recommended declaring India-Srilanka International Maritime boundary line a No Fishing Zone in an affidavit filed in Madurai branch of Madras High Court.

On October 14 of 2011, the court hearing a public interest litigation filed by Advocate Stalin seeking protection for Indian fishermen, had passed an interim order directing the Coast Guard to deploy sufficient coast vessels under the supervision of senior Indian navy officials. In response to that PIL Coast Guard came out with such a suggestion which even a nincompoop won’t suggest. Protests by Tamilnadu Chief Minister Ms.J.Jayalalitha led to the Central Government directing Coast Guard to withdraw that foolish affidavit.

The only solution to stop everyday massacre and harassment of our fishermen is to redraw the maritime boundary between India-Srilanka and the issue should go before International Tribunal of the Law of Seas.

In a long drawn process through four conventions covering high seas, territorial seas, continental shelf and living marine resources which began in 1958, United Nations Organization had strived to evolve consensus which ended in U.N.O mooting out International Law of Seas 1982. It was ratified by India in 1995.

As per article76 of the International Law of Seas 1982 " The coastal state shall establish the outer edge of the continental margin wherever the same extends beyond 200 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured. On the submarine ridges, the continental shelf's outer limit shall not exceed 350 nautical miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the sea is measured."

IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS PROVISION INDIA SHOULD HAVE GAINED 7 to 9 LAKH SQUARE KILOMETERS. But in negotiating to extend this exclusive economic zone India got another chance to regain Kachcha Theevu but faltered and missed the chance.

 The so called rights of Indian fishermen were never honoured and the Government of India must place a white paper in Indian Parliament on the merciless shootings and killings of fishermen by Srilankan navy. This assumes importance in the wake of Director of Border Security Management under External Affairs Ministry filing another affidavit in January 2012 in same court stating NO FISHERMEN WAS ATTACKED by Srilankan navy and Government of India has no proof of such occurrences. Daily newspaper reports have been reporting such attacks almost regularly, and a Government of India official has the audacity to tell a brazen lie before Madurai branch of Madras High Court. It is because our Members of Parliament irrespective of political affiliations have failed to echo Tamilnadu’s voice in Parliament. Hence in past the poets of Puducherry even organized a street corner poet’s symposium to awaken our Members of Parliament from slumber.

The new boundaries as per International Law of Seas 1982 must be redrawn and India should take care to get back Kachcha theevu. Without wasting time Indian Government must take this issue to the International Tribunal of the Law of Seas under United Nations for re-demarcating our territorial waters.

N.Nandhivarman General Secretary Dravida Peravai

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