Nobel Peace Laureate cannot
thrive on laurels alone. Nobel Prize is just a veil to hide the failure of
world’s democracies to come to the rescue of democracy in Myanmar . Aung
san Suu kyi and 1400 men who stood by democracy are under detention in Myanmar for
5307 days as on 8 th May of 2010. Aung San Suu Kyi is serving her third term in
house arrest, and let us not forget that she is the democratically elected
people’s leader of Myanmar .
The cunning ways conceived by military rulers had brought the political party
headed by her, National League for Democracy to close down. It is saddest day
for democracy. It is a international shame, the cross of which had to be borne
by all leading democracies including our India . Indians remain helpless
spectators while 50,000 Tamils are killed in a state sponsored genocide in
neighbouring Sriklanka. We say the Tamils stood for terrorism. But in Myanmar , the
NLD stood by democracy and we don’t even raise our voice against suppression of
democracy. The so called war against terrorism will also expose that world
nation’s failed to nurture democracy to end dictatorships. Let me quote the
criticism of the Burma ’s
Government in Exile .
Dr Tint Swe, a member of the National
Coalition Government of the Union of Burma -- formed by elected representatives
from Burma after the elections of 1990 -- describes the situation of his
country on the eve of the verdict in the trial against Aung San Suu Kyi, with
an eye on the elections in 2010.
The military is prepared for the
next phases, which is to legalize their grip on power by holding a new election
in 2010. Ethnic groups are subjected to tremendous pressure to be transformed
into border guards. This process is being done by hook or by crook.We then need
to add a few more important facts about my country. Burma has become a nuclear power
while the population's living conditions are extremely poor. The country is
selling natural gas to Thailand
and China
while people have to cut wood from trees to cook. According to 2005 UNDP survey
one third of the population live below the poverty line. Inflation is adding to
the economic burden, with the price of rice, for example, up by 30 percent over
the past year alone. But the regime is rich enough to construct a series of
secret underground tunnels reportedly built with North Korean help.
There are clear differences
between the positions of the Indian government and the movement for democracy
in Burma .
One of them is the controversial roadmap of the regime. The roadmap was
unilaterally withdrawn and abandoned by the military in 2003 just after Suu Kyi
was ambushed and put under house arrest for the third time. The National
Assembly was reduced to a façade. The constitution was entirely flawed. Neither
a civilian nor a woman can become the president. The referendum was a huge scam
and as will be the elections of 2010.
I want all countries to stop
selling arms to Burmese regime because arms are meant for killing pro-democracy
activists and ethnic peoples. I want India to refrain from defending the
regime at the international forums; at the United Nations, at the International
Labor Organization, and at the UN Commission on Human Rights.
In 2007 while thousands of monks
were protesting, India
was only country which sent a cabinet minister to sign a memorandum with the
regime. And earlier, India
fully supported that roadmap as expressed by Indian President Dr. A.P.J. Abdul
Kalam on March 9, 2006 during his visit to Burma . Moreover, India sent a
cabinet minister to the funeral of Burmese Prime Minister who was known for his
bloody hand in crackdowns on pro-democracy activists
The constructive engagement
approach championed by the Southeast Asian bloc (ASEAN) proved ineffective. At
the same time western sanctions were eased for humanitarian reason. But those
same people did not criticize the military regime which deliberately blocked
international aid during devastating cyclone Nargis when 140,000 died. The
blame game does not help poor people of Burma . Now the new American
administration is reviewing its Burma
policy. My question why not India !
Dravida Peravai condemns the
attitude of USA and Western
nations that support kingdoms and dictatorships in Middle
East just to get oil. All principles are sent to catacombs, while
commercial and vested interests, prevail. India
totally forgets it has a neighbour called Myanmar ,
and where its geopolitical interests are on every day basis butchered to help China gain access to Indian Ocean and Bay of Bengal .
Dravida Peravai warns the world
against the conscience of nations kept under pause while military rule
eliminates last traces of democracy in their soil. If world really wants
terrorists to undergo heart change, then world’s agenda should be to
democratize the world, removing military dictatorships to the archives of the
Dravida Peravai salutes Ms.AUNG
SAN SUU KYI and stands by NationaL League for Democracy. Dravida Peravai
expresses solidarity with the National Coalition Government of the Union of
Burma. We urge India which
had shown the door to a National Security Adviser who had neither the mental
equilibrium nor the moral foundations to understand the plight of Eelam Tamils,
to come forward to evolve policies for Saving Democracy in Myanmar and support the peaceful
struggle for democracy led by Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi.
General Secretary Dravida Peravai
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