UN Head
President of the Security Council
Secretary General
Permanent Representative of the Member Nations
We are
from India
and we are Tamil kinsmen of the uprooted refugees scattered all over the globe
and our ethnic group is facing genocide in Srilanka. We in India could
only shed tears of blood but want to ask the international community one
question: Are we not humans? We wonder where has the conscience of the world
reports say some how overcoming the hurdles to arrive at consensus in the
Security Council a unanimous resolution officially had been reached on the
Tamils issue. We thank all members for this initiative and USA, UK, France
behind this diplomatic breakthrough, though certain remarks on the freedom
fighters makes us realize that Tamils have yet to diplomatically drive home our
legitimate grievances.
the battle of the Stalingrad, brave men and women of then Russia faced the
siege of the Adolph Hitler’s army, but while whole townspeople got killed
leaving very few who withstood the siege
eating even the human flesh of the dying ultimately defeating the Nazi army. It
is unfortunate that such Russia
remained soft towards the Neo-Nazi of 21st century Mr.Mahinda Rajapakshe till
today the day of consensus. The Battle of Vanni when independent sources write
is more or less the Battle of Stalingrad, our Russian people will understand in
Communist Party of India which was in forefront of struggles against Srilanka
in the Indian state of Tamilnadu remained totally silent. It could have
appealed to Russian Communist party which would have brought a heart change of Russia , but
conveniently forgot to do so.
Even a
state declared by USA as terrorist state, had been backing the Srilankan terrorist
state, yet to be declared so when the
day world’s media and UN agencies gets
access to the theatre of war.
still remain depressed over the inaction of the United Nations to come to the
rescue of our kinsmen.
UN could have arranged for airdropping of food to the besieged Tamil people.
In history nowhere we have seen people made to starve and starvation to death
had been used as weapon in war, while world’s conscience was watching
We now
urge the UN Security Council to understand that Srilankan President Mr.Mahinda
Rajapakshe is resorting to starvation of civilians, as a method of warfare,
which constitutes an act of genocide as defined by Article II (c) of the 1948
Genocide Convention.
"Article 54(1) of Additional Protocol I
to the Four Geneva Conventions of 1949 sets forth a rule of customary
international humanitarian law that obligates every state in the world:
"Starvation of civilians as a method of warfare is prohibited."
Starvation of civilians as a method of warfare is a war crime. Every
contracting party to the Geneva Conventions and Protocol has the obligation
under Common Article 1 thereof "to respect" the Conventions and
Protocol themselves and "to ensure respect" for the Conventions and
Protocol "in all circumstances" by other contracting parties such as Sri Lanka .
"Furthermore, starvation of civilians as
a method of warfare can also constitute an act of genocide as defined by
Article II (c) of the 1948 Genocide Convention: "Deliberately inflicting
Tamils conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in
whole or in part." Every contracting state party to the Genocide
Convention has the obligation "to prevent" genocide by Sri Lanka
against the Tamils as required by Article I thereof.
Therefore, every state party to the Geneva
Conventions and Protocols as well as to the Genocide Convention has the solemn
obligation to terminate Srilanka's starvation of Tamils as a method of warfare.
Nation’s Peace Keeping Force must have been inducted before calling the freedom
fighters to lay down weapons. Instead asking to surrender
to the criminals sponsoring state terrorism is not natural justice, neither is
it prudence.
would like to draw the attention of the United Nations Security Council that it
is wrong to place all its responsibilities on India , being a regional power. India could not
halt the war. Further India
had played active role in attempting to resolve the crisis in past and its
efforts were in vain. The Indo-Srilanka agreement to establish peace and
normalcy in Srilanka signed in July 1987 is a total failure. The Srilankan
Government killed the spirit of the agreement before the ink got dried. To
implement the accord, then Indian Prime Minister Mr.Rajiv Gandhi sent the
Indian Peace Keeping Force. Simultaneously the LTTE agreed to cessation of hostilities
and began to hand over weapons to IPKF. The first and irreparable crack in the
accord opened when the Government of Srilanka violated the General Amnesty
granted under the accord “to political prisoners now held in custody under the
Prevention of Terrorism Act and other Emergency laws, and to combatants, as
well as to those persons accused, charged and /or convicted under these laws” [
clause 2.11]
Srilankan Government interpreted that the amnesty did not apply to persons who
committed offences outside the north and eastern provinces of Srilanka and
withheld amnesty to 1250 Tamil political prisoners. This made the LTTE suspend
surrender of weapons. This past must be borne in mind, by President of United
States Mr. Barrack Obama, who pleaded for general amnesty. Srilankan Government
could never be trusted. Further then the IPKF which went as mediator handed
over Tamils to Sinhalese for ceasefire violations, and those Tamils got killed,
thereby the neutrality of IPKF became a question mark in Tamil minds resulting
in clashes between IPKF and freedom fighters. The then Chief Minister of Indian
State of Tamilnadu Dr.M.Karunanithi refused to receive the IPKF when it landed
in Chennai, capital of Tamilnadu, registering the unhappiness of Indian Tamils
over the failed mission where friends instead of saving Tamils from enemies
turned towards the friends of India. In view of this UN Peace Keeping Force
without Indian contingent alone will appear credible before the eyes of
besieged freedom fighters of Tamil Eelam. If after sending UN Peace Keeping
Force and if UN is in a position to guarantee the safety of those who surrender
under General Amnesty, then UN can expect LTTE to comply with their request to
surrender. Till such climate arrives mere lip service will not end Tamils
The EU
resolution calling for immediate ceasefire without any conditions and
expressing concern not only for the plight of civilians in the safe zone, but
also for the inmates of the internment camps run by Colombo was passed by 358
votes to 232. This took place in March. Even after European Parliament took
first step, UN Security Council belatedly today i.e. in May 2009 only had
arrived at a unanimous resolution, and those lives of Tamils killed by chemical
weapons and other weapons of mass destruction had to be paid as a price to open
the eyes of the United Nations.
perused few resolutions of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions.
Resolutions 1897 of 2009 on Western Sahara, 1870 being Secretary General’s
Report on Sudan, 1869 on Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1868 on Afghanistan, 1867 on
Timor-Leste, 1866 on Georgia, 1865 on Cote d l’ivorie, 1864 Secretary General report
to President of Security Council, 1863 on Somalia, 1862 on peace and security
in Africa, 1861 on Chad in Central African Republic and 1860 on Middle East i.e.
Palestine. These resolutions in the time every minute our Tamils being killed
and Tamils protesting all over the world have no space for Tamils. And now the
Security Council had at last passed a resolution, we urge Security Council to
urge the International Court of Criminal Justice to probe the crimes of
genocide aimed at total annihilation of Tamils in Srilanka.
website reports:
Lanka: Thousands Caught in Conflict
5 May
2009: According to reports from those remaining inside the conflict zone,
fighting has intensified with both light and heavy weapons being used,
according to OCHA quoted during the daily noon briefing at UN Headquarters in New York . As of today,
more than 188,000 people have crossed out of the conflict zone, with the vast
majority accommodated in Internally Displaced Persons camps in Vavuniya. Over 186,000 are in camps, and some 1,700
wounded and their caregivers are in hospitals. Some 50,000 or more people are
still trapped in the conflict zone
Vavuniya, there have been positive developments in addressing basic needs for
the influx of IDPs. Among them, the World Food Programme has been able to
accelerate food distribution in Vavuniya, and the Government of Sri Lanka has
agreed that cooked meals should be provided at Omanthai screening point. In Jaffna , response in the
camps has been stepped up in the area of health, including the treatment of
chicken pox, the provision of toilets, hygiene kits, temporary teaching space
and supplementary food. Also, work to protect civilians and to facilitate
family reunifications is ongoing. Asked about reports of shelling, the UN Spokeswoman
said that the United Nations was unable to confirm such reports independently,
but added that it remains particularly concerned about the situation of the
estimated 50,000 remaining civilians in the area, who are believed to be at
serious risk. The United Nations also remains concerned about heavy fighting,
she said.
water and other basic supplies from United Nations agencies and
non-governmental organizations were en route on 30 April to help some 175,000
civilians, while 4,500 family-sized tents had been set up in the past four days
by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), said UN Emergency
Relief Coordinator, John Holmes during a 29 April press conference in New York.
Holmes also said he had met with President Mahinda Rajapaksa and key Government
ministers in the nation’s capital, Colombo ,
on Monday to push for a “humanitarian pause” in the fighting and give United
Nations and other aid laborers sufficient time to unload and distribute
essential supplies. However, Sri Lankan
officials had rejected that request.
Chapter XV of the United Nations Charter, the U.N. Secretariat, headed-up by
the U.N. Secretary General, is one of six independent organs of the United
Nations Organization itself. As such the U.N. Secretary General is obligated to
implement the "Purposes of the United Nations" set forth in Article 1
of the Charter. There have been statements from UN
Secretary General on Tamils plight but Sir; we are hurt to term it lip-service.
The Secretary General should have found time to visit Srilanka, unfortunately
for Tamils he has no time to spare, our Tamils express in anguish...
Boyle of University of Illinois College of Law and an expert in International
Law, points out that "Article 1(3) of the Charter provides that one of
these "Purposes of the United Nations" is: "To achieve
international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic,
social, cultural or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect
for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to
race, sex, language or religion."
added, "In other words, the U.N. Secretary General has a U.N. Charter
obligation "in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for
fundamental freedoms for" the Tamils in Sri Lanka. Consequently, the U.N.
Secretary General has a Charter obligation to immediately visit Sri Lanka and
do all in his power “to prevent" the Government's on-going genocide
against the Tamils as required by the peremptory norm of international law set
forth in Article I of the 1948 Genocide Convention.
Tamils from India
are now fully aware that over our catacombs the racist regime of Srilanka will
hoist its victory flag after converting whole Tamil race that live in Srilanka,
as slaves of 21 st century. UN as usual will act belatedly, as past track
record shows. Hence we request you to send the case of Tamil genocide to the
International Court of Criminal Justice.
We know
that Srilanka and shamefully our India are not signatories to the
Rome Statute. International Criminal Court of Justice is governed by the Rome
Statute which has reached consensus on genocide, crimes against humanity and
war crimes. Since Srilanka is not a signatory to a statute signed by 120
countries, it had done that purposely since it has been pursuing genocide and
war crimes from 1983, we urge the Security Council to refer our complaint to
the Public Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court of Justice for
investigating the Srilankan President Mahinda Rajapakshe’s genocidal war.
Public Prosecutor through Rome Statute is conferred with proprio motu powers,
but he cannot go ahead with a state that is not a signatory to the statute,
hence we urge United Nations Security Council to ask the Public Prosecutor to
start the investigations.
We are
aware that crimes in Chad , Kenya , Afghanistan ,
Georgia , Columbia ,
and Palestine are being probed by the Public
Prosecutor apart from Darfur and Sudan as directed by the Security
Council under chapter VII of the United Nations charter. We Tamils are not
being considered as human beings, we have started to arrive at this conclusion,
because we only are singled out for genocide with impunity, with UN not coming
to our rescue before it is too late.
We are
aware that for crimes committed after 1st July 2002 The International Criminal
Court of Justice can act, though the evidences we submit will involve crimes
committed more than three decades.
against humanity
Art. 7, Rome Statute of International Criminal
Code describes these as: Murder, Extermination, persecution, enforced
disappearances, torture, intentionally causing great hurt, great suffering, or
serious injury to body or to mental or physical health, deportation or forcible
transfer of population...
wanted to compile complete list of criminal actions of Srilankan Government.
Fortunately North East Secretariat on Human Rights had compiled a detailed list
under the title: Lest we forgot: Massacres of Tamils 1956-2001.We are enclosing
the PDF format of that genocide list up to 2001. In our subsequent mail by post
we will be sending up to now along with the complaint to the Public Prosecutor
of the International Court of Criminal Justice.
substantiate the charges against Srilankan Government, instead of quoting
Tamils who are inferior to animals as per the perception of Sinhalese, let me
quote from a Sinhalese political leader. This is quoted to prove that Sinhalese
governments have killed Sinhalese too in thousands in past, as told by the
Sinhalese leader himself. State Terrorism is in their blood and veins, and for
nations of the United Nations to forget this leads them to wrong conclusions.
If probed in detail Srilanka can be branded as terrorist state. Their hatred
for Tamils stands proven without an iota of doubt by their killing of hundreds
of Indian Tamil fishermen over these years. The genocidal intent is proven here
too. These Indian Tamils did not demand separate state. They were for centuries
peacefully pursuing their professions. In the case of Pakistan if any Indian fishermen by accident
stray into its waters, Pakistan
arrests them and deports. But Srilankan trigger happy navy finds sadistic
satisfaction in killing spree. We will submit these details to the Public
Prosecutor of the International Court of Criminal Justice, later by mail.
Let the
UN and members of Security Council know the peaceful Sinhalese mind also.Dr.
Vickramabahu Karunaratne, General Secretary of the NSSP and the president of
the Left Front in Sri Lanka ,
government, while discarding all appeals for a ceasefire is hell bent on
finishing the LTTE. The LTTE cannot be finished as it is a movement in the
hearts and minds of the Tamil people. It represents the strongest commitment to
the Tamil right to self determination and Tamil freedom. Even those who
disagree with the LTTE`s violent methods or with its political programme for
Tamil liberation, still hail it as the most formidable opposition to Sinhala
repression. So, it will be nonsense to think of eradicating the LTTE. UNP leaders led by the then Defense
Minister thought of finishing the JVP by eliminating over fifty-thousand JVP
suspects with the leadership. It is claimed that Wijeweera was burnt alive
by a military group. But today modern dissidents of Wijeweera and other JVP
leaders virtually run the government of Mahinda. The ghost of Wijeweera is
behind the President at all times. Champika Ranawaka and Wimal Weerawansa
today, represent the last political message of the Deshapremi Janatha Viyaparaya,
the brainchild of Wijeweera. In that sense both Champika and Wimal are
legitimate political children of Wijeweera. The rump JVP is left in the ditch
without being able to go along with these two. It does not represent the JVP
past or present. While howling for a better war it is barking at the government
for repression! So we can count it out. But the real JVP represented by the
chauvinist duo, Champika and Wimal, is doing great. So, the dream of the UNP
leaders to eliminate the JVP has not been fulfilled.
the dream of Mahinda to eliminate the LTTE by brutal repression of all who are
associated with the LTTE will be a void in the coming period. In the case of
the LTTE, it represents the real anger of the Tamil people against discrimination,
humiliation and oppression by Sinhala chauvinism. The JVP was correct to an
extent. It protested about oppression of Sinhala society by the Anglo-Saxon
Western upper classes. But it was and is wrong to the hilt in hating Tamil
society for its demand for equality and self determination. Strangely enough it
is the wrong side of the JVP that is flourishing today both inside and outside
of the government. However the anger of the Tamil people over the ruthless
attacks made by both the state and the pogroms cannot be dispersed by
decimating the LTTE. The latter will enhance the hard feelings within Tamil
society. It will pour out in the future not only in Lanka but also in India as a
gigantic Dravidian movement.
the economic crash in 1929, the capitalist system faced a massive crisis. Then
the rise of Nazism and Hitler was for a purpose. Freud says in human history
every crisis has demanded a human sacrifice and massive bloodletting. Taking
the rule of Freud seriously one could say that the sacrifice made by the Tamils
today is for the victory that will come in the future .Of course I am just
speculating, but the truth is that Tamil consciousness in the world has
expanded due to the repressive war of the Mahinda regime. The LTTE cannot be
blamed for not surrendering to the Sinhala army of the chauvinist regime. If
thousands die due to the attacks of the army the blame will squarely fall on
the government and its masters.
So goes
on a Sinhalese politician.
In the
press conference on 13 th May 2009, Mr.Vikramabahu Kurunaratne said:
is an international commotion about the blood bath and the human disaster in
Lanka. It can lead eventually to an international intervention that could
enslave every body. We called this press conference to make every body aware of
the developing situation.
leaders claim that they have confined the LTTE activity to a very small area
near Mulaitivu. It is said that the LTTE leadership and the last battalions are
within the 15000 people caught in the Area. LTTE challenges these figures and
say that around 120 000 are cornered in the limited area. UN says it is more
than 50 000. Whatever it may be only access to food and other necessity for
these people, is the ICRC shipment that supposed to arrive twice a week to this
enclosure with the government permission. This shipment includes 25 metric tones
of food and medicine, and the boat intake back is about 500 passengers. There
are more than 2000 wounded and sick in the area waiting to go out but the
government has not made any extra arrangement for that. While these people are
confined to this hellhole the government is continuing its attacks. Shells and
multi barrels are used day and nights. In the last few days over 2000 were
killed and many more are injured.
Government claims that LTTE is responsible for
this misery and demands that Tigers should unconditionally surrender. But at
the same time the government says that Tigers are criminals already convicted
by Lankan and Indian courts. There for they will be punished accordingly. In
that event there is no room for any discussion at all. Tigers are assumed to be
just criminals and not even an indirect product of Tamil national problem. At the same time they have accepted that
nearly 3000 LTTE cadres are in their custody. Burt nobody knows where they are.
It is suspected that they are kept at some desolate place in Vanni. What is
their fate is totally unknown. In the recent past many who were in state
custody were killed by 'confrontations' made by the prisoners, when they were
taken out of the place of imprisonment!
Among them some were LTTE suspects. In the past Wijeweera, a sinhala
rebel was burned alive while he was in army custody. In that back ground if the
LTTE leaders surrender their fate will be shameful humiliating death. It will
be a severe discredit to the struggle and the Tamil people. In that reality we
ask who has the right to demand the LTTE to surrender. We, the Left do not
agree with the ferocious methods and the bourgeoisie politics of the Tigers.
But they are Tamil liberation fighters and they have the right to be treated as
such. Bogus demands of the government have no meaning. Government is demanding
that the Tamil people be allowed to leave Tiger areas so that Tiger militants
are left behind to be slaughtered by the army. Some lunatics blame Tigers for
not agreeing to this demand! If these ladies and gentlemen are so committed to
the innocent lives they should demand the government to agree to a genuine
cease fire.
people who have entered the Sinhala army zone are kept in military protected
camps. These are open prisons without adequate facilities. No real information
about the situation is available from independent sources. Those who divulge
information obtained secretly, are punished or thrown out of the country. In
such a situation there could be a large number of displaced Tamils who are
willingly with the Tiger army. After all to a Tamil,
misery under the Tamil army may be better than being a prisoner of the alien
Sinhala forces. This tragic situation has developed in to an international
uprising of the Tamil people, or more correctly a Dravidian universal protest.
It is severely felt in India
and spreading into the developed world. There are violent mass agitations every
where. This could lead to an induction of foreign forces in Lanka.
We must stop this debacle and blood letting.
Sinhala soldiers are also killed and wounded in thousands. All of them are from
poor peasant families. Misery spreads into all corner of the country. We demand
that the government stop the war and go for a peace agreement now!
has come for world to realize that STATE TERRORISM, as practiced in brutal
suppression of Sinhalese themselves in past is brought out to light by a
Sinhalese politician.
If only
international court of criminal justice initiates a probe all crimes against
Srilankan civilians by Srilankan Government will come to light.
we urge the United Nations Security Council to pass on our complaint to the
International Court of Criminal Justice at Hague and urge the Public Prosecutor
to initiate appropriate action.
Secretary Dravida Peravai
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