India who proclaims
to be a friend of Tamils though ditching Tamils in dire need, must allow Tamils
of Eelam to form their Government in Exile within Indian
Territory . The Indian War of Independence saw the birth of the
Provisional Government in Exile on 21st October 1943 headed by Nethaji Subash
Chandra Bose. It took its inception in Singapore ,
and recalling the past precedent, India can permit the creation of
Tamil Eelam Government in Exile. Of course India can choose who should head
that Government, like Lord Mountbatten chose and propped up Jawaharlal Nehru
from behind. This is not to belittle Nehru’s stature in the independence
movement, but to remind preferences of powers too matter in propping up leaders
of the Tamil Eelam Government in Exile.
[20th May 2009 in ]
Political scientists term
the globalization as one that leads to death of the nation. Some others predict
that in future city states will be the order of the day. Tamils are now
focusing their minds on how best they can define their transnational status. Indian
citizens who live in other countries are bestowed with dual nationality status.
Similar to that, Tamils should also be citizens of a Transnational State of
Tamil Eelam and citizens of whichever country they live or opted to live. It is
high time world recognizes a state without borders to preserve the language,
culture and liberty of people uprooted from their traditional homeland. It will
be a far fetched scheme or day dream to others who hear the Tamils demand for
first time.
To fit the long term goal
of Tamils to get back their lost homeland of Tamil Eelam with the support of
the nations on earth or to remain forever in the lands of their current
domicile, thought could be given to give concrete shape to create a Transnational State for Eelam Tamils. It will be like
a state in space or like a virtual state in cyberspace, in no way infringing
the governance of existing nations on earth.
Tamils dreamland is a
homeland on Earth. Jews had their dream till they attained Israel, but that
dream is born out of never healing wounds that continue to bleed over the
annals of two nations crossing swords
without cessation of hostilities. Tamils being the peace loving citizens, who
were driven by historical accidents to wield weapons to protect their soil and
its people from ongoing genocide that had past half a century, are now at
historical cross roads. Their protests had awakened the nations to their
plight. Sympathetic voices and moral support from all men of conscience is
offering them solace in this grave hour, when their kinsmen in the battlefields
of Tamil Eelam have laid their lives for a just cause.
Hence Dravida Peravai
appeals to the leaders of USA ,
UK , and France and of the European Union and to Norway which is
sympathetic to Tamils to permit Tamil Diaspora to launch a Tamil Eelam
Government in Exile. These Tamils must decide to opt for peaceful and
democratic way of getting their homeland through diplomacy.
The Government of Tibet
in Exile is in Tibet House 1, Calworth
Street , London NW8 TAF Telephone: 0044-20-7722-5378.
Tamil Diaspora in UK
must get in touch with the Government of Tibet in Exile and must learn from
them on how to run a Government of Tamil Eelam in Exile. The support democratic
gives for Tibetan Government will be also showered on the Government of Tamil
Eelam in Exile. The armed struggle has ended. Tamils must rise above affinity
towards the Marxian or Maoist underground movements of yester years of history,
and look for fresh initiatives. One such could be emulating the example of the
Tibetan Government in Exile headed by His Holiness Dalai Lama. Tamils must also
know that the seat of the Tibetan Government in Exile is Dharmsala in North India . India patronizes Tibetan Government
of Exile; why not it starts patronizing the Tamil Eelam Government in Exile.
All the refugees placed in various refugee camps can become citizens of The
Tamil Eelam Government in Exile, and all moneys towards refugees could be spent
through the Tamil Eelam Government in Exile. Though for India to assimilate
this idea will take a decade, Eelam Tamils can have their seat of Government
in London or whichever nations grants
them permission to set the government in exile in its soil.
British Prime Minister
Gordon Brown had expressed solidarity with Noble Laureate Aung San Sui Kyi, and
western democracies are fully aware of the National coalition Government of
Burma with Dr.Sein Win as Prime Minister. The elected Members of Parliament of
Burma before people’s verdict was thrown to winds and democracy butchered in
last decade, are the founding fathers of the Government in Exile. The Tamil
Members of Parliament who hope to get better deal under the bullet fire of
Srilankan President can exhaust their energies to get what has been denied to
Tamils since independence. Once they get disillusioned they can be the nucleus
of The Government in Exile of Tamil Eelam.
Wikipedia states that Republic of Cabinda created in 1975 remains a
Portuguese protectorate. The Government in Exile of the Republic
of Cabinda is based on France ; further that Government remains a
protectorate of Portugal .
Similarly India can be the
protectorate for the Tamil Eelam Government in Exile, or France can be
the patron. The issue is left in the hands of Tamil Diaspora to collectively
decide. The exercise should also lay the foundation for a transnational state,
the idea of which had to be lobbied and concrete shape to be given in future.
Lao’s People Democratic
Republic since 1975 was based in Paris .
Republic of Maluku
Seltan claiming nation in Indonesia
was based in Netherlands
since 1950. The fact is west is aware of the concept of a Government in Exile,
and Eelam Tamils must canalize all their thoughts to form such a government
aiming to regain the lost homeland but in mean time cementing the bonds of
comradeship that blossomed in the streets of the world where Tamils rubbed
shoulders for a common cause to stop the Genocide of Tamils.
General Secretary Dravida
the hands of the clock right
[Tamil Net, Monday, 01
June 2009, 20:04 GMT]
The Eezham Tamils and
their political representatives have no obligation to anyone now, to engage in
the deliberations of fruitless alternatives. But the world has an obligation now
to tell the Tamils whether its opposition is to what it has perceived as
'terrorism' or to Tamil nationalism. The Eezham Tamil mainstream has a historic
responsibility on its shoulders to be performed right now. If the oppression to
their nationalism is trans-national, the Eezham Tamils have to respond by
forming a trans-national government fully responsible to them based on
democracy, to negotiate with the world and to look after their own affairs.
Net Editorial Board
The foremost is the task
of re-structuring the political struggle. All the anger, frustration and
unfulfilled aspirations have to be now translated into positive energy of
formulating a political idiom suitable enough for a global discourse to achieve
liberation. Among the very few classical as well as living cultures of
humanity, such as the Chinese, Hebrews and Arabs, the Tamils, especially the
Eezham Tamils, have become an endangered identity. The world neither protected
them nor allowed them to protect themselves. The response of Eezham Tamils to
such a situation should suit their great cultural heritage. If the present
world system is working against them in total and if the world doesn't have
enough appetite to look into their righteous aspirations, then the Tamils
matching to their civilization should come out with introducing something
innovative and creative to the world system itself. If the oppression to their
nationalism is trans-national, the Eezham Tamils have to respond by forming a
trans-national government fully responsible to them based on democracy, to
negotiate with the world and to look after their own affairs.
Needless to say, the
appropriate beginning is re-mandating the fundamentals of Vaddukkoaddai
Resolution, and based on that democratically endorsed commitment, electing
representatives for a trans-national assembly and government. Eezham Tamils in Norway have
already set a model for conducting democratic elections in Diaspora context. A
publication on the procedures experimented in Norway are awaited soon. The Tamil
request to the civilized world at this juncture is to support their democratic
experiment and to listen to their democratic voices.
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