Dravida Peravai appeals to
US Secretary of State Ms.Hillary Clinton
Peravai, a political party from India ,
which is in the mailing list of Democratic Party even before who the winner was
known in the candidature of USA Presidency, urged the winner President Barrack
H.Obama to exert strong pressure on Srilanka to stop genocide or force economic
blockade on Srilanka. In separate letter written to US Secretary of State the
Eelam situation is brought to light.
March 2009
Hillary Clinton
of State, Government of USA
Secretary of State Ms. Hillary Rodham Clinton
Indian Tamils are thankful for your and your Government’s sympathies to the
plight of the Internally Displaced Persons in Srilanka. But we are sad that
Governments of the World are not comparing the Tamil genocide with the Jewish
Genocide of last century. The irony is Jews who were persecuted in last century
are not expressing solidarity with Tamils in this century, may be present
generation had forgotten their past.
all know the genocide of Jews during Second World War. Scholars opine that “The
murder of the European Jews in the Second World War was unique. Never before
did a state decide to kill a specific group of humans -- including old people,
women, and children -- without any reservation or examination of the individual
case, and enact this murder with the means of State power." -- Eberhard
Jäckel, German Historian and Director of the Institute for Contemporary
History, University of Stuttgart .
the irony is before our eyes, in our own times, while leaders like you are in
seats of power, not a dictator like Adolf Hitler with a massive war machine,
but a tiny island’s sadistic President Rajapakshe, who could come to his senses
if strong signals are sent remains determined to carry out his genocidal civil
war to the finish. We thank you for talking to him, but the speed with which
USA acted in Pakistan recently is unfortunately missing with regards to your
Governments initiatives to stall the civil war and stop the Genocide of Tamils
in Srilanka.
read that the Srilankan President assured you of some all party conference as
panacea not to end civil war, but to offer some power to Tamils of Eelam. We
wish to bring to your kind attention on how many initiatives of past, how many
pacts, how many packages, how many conferences were offered but ultimately none
was fulfilled, because it had been the mindset of all Sinhalese parties in
power, not to grant any power or autonomy or peaceful coexistence formula to
Tamil population.
want USA
and the Nations of the World to offer Tamils the same panacea offered to Jews
in last century. The modern state of Israel
has its roots in the Biblical Land of Israel and the heartland of the ancient
kingdoms of Israel and Judah . The only
living classical language on Earth still spoken by millions and millions of Tamil
people living across continents has in its Literature evidences in plenty about
the Tamil rule and Tamil habitation of current Srilanka much before the so
called Sinhalese set their foot there. If Biblical Land could be freed, why not
Tamils land be freed?
question haunts every Tamil heart which pleads silently to leaders like you to
understand the similarities.
birth of Zionism in 1897, its acceptance by the British Balfour Declaration
followed by the League of Nations adopting the British Mandate of Palestine
after World War I, which was "in favor of the establishment in Palestine
of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that
nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of
existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine...
birth of Tamilism dates back to 2876 years when Tamil grammarian enunciated a
rule to keep pure Tamil letters only among Tamil alphabets. Since then various
struggles to preserve Tamil language, culture, and religion had been waged. In
Independent India when Hindi was to be imposed as sole official language
Tamilnadu, an Indian State waged a fierce battle to stop making India uniform
in the name of ushering unity. India
realized its folly after Tamil martyrs committed self immolations, thus yielded
to democratic protests and made English continue as official language.
before Tamilnadu, the Tamils of Eelam fought for Tamil language. Until 1956
Tamil and Sinhalese enjoyed equal rights, which was deprived by the Official
Languages Act of 1956. We all know that in Latin America
many official languages are there, not one language is imposed. In Europe too many nations have multiple official languages.
In Singapore and Malaysia that
progressed well in post colonial era, Tamil is one of the official languages.
Thus the main reason for conflict remains solved in all these nations. But
Srilanka with whatever amendments brought till date had not accorded equal
status to Tamils. UNESCO recognized worlds endangered languages and assists the
preservation or revival of languages under threat. Tamil is the only living
classical language in the world spoken by millions of people, and to preserve
this language demanding equal official language status in whole of Srilanka is
not an unpardonable crime. We in India too are fighting for such
status, and our states with truncated powers under our Constitution have yet to
succeed in obtaining this right from Indian Union. This only reason could be
enough to declare that any Indian model of devolution of powers will not meet
the demands of Eelam Tamils. India
has 14 languages and may find it difficult to resolve the issue, but with only
2 languages Srilanka could resolve but never wants to solve the thorny language
1947, following years of communal strife, the United Nations voted to partition
Palestine into
two states, one Jewish and one Arab; partition was accepted by Zionist leaders
but rejected by Arab leaders. We Indian Tamils and Tamils forced by genocide in
Srilanka who had to become global citizens living in many countries, want the
United Nations Security Council to follow the same precedent and vote for
partitioning of Srilanka.
the telephonic talk you had with war mongering President of Srilanka, media
reported that he had assured you that through all party conference, Tamil
conflict will be resolved.
You may not be aware that before militancy reared its head Tamils were
peacefully demanding their rights under the leadership of Gandhi of Eelam
S.J.V.Selvanayagam. In July 1957 a pact to resolve the grievances of Tamils was
signed between Srilankan Prime Minister Mr.S.W.R.D.Bandaranaike and Leader of
the Federal Party Mr.S.J.V.Selvanayagam. Please note that the Tamils party was
called Federal Party. If only Srilanka had agreed for a federal set up in 1957,
fifty two years ago, current civil war or the militant movement would not have
had their inception. But to force Tamils accept such a federal set up now will
be historical blunder. Changed circumstances warrant granting of independence
to Tamils and partitioning of Srilanka. This pact, due to opposition of
Sinhalese parties was abrogated in 1958.
In March 1965 then Prime Minister of Srilanka Mr. Dudley Senanaike entered into
a pact with Federal Party Leader Mr.S.J.V.Selvanayagam. Though the United
National Party of the Prime Minister had coalition with Federal Party, the
Government did not implement the pact. In law there is a doctrine of estoppels,
which means though not, given in writing promises made by governments are
implementable. Numerous judgments in Indian Courts are based on this doctrine.
Going back on promises gave birth to militancy, you must remember.
You, and other leaders of the nations, believe that through democratic
maneuvers all demands of Tamils could be met now, but conveniently forget how
the Federal Party of Tamils presented a model Federal Constitution to the
Constituent Assembly in 1972. This model draft was rejected by the Steering
Committee of the Constituent Assembly. The demands of Tamils presented through
democratic process had always been rejected. America remains champion for the
cause of democracy in letter and not in spirit, which should undergo radical
transformation under President Barrack H.Obama’s administration, we all hope.
In Myanmar ,
the democratically elected Ms.Aung San Suu Kyi gets lip-service in support and
noble awards but military rule thrives, where have the democrats of the world
In Srilanka a dictator subverts democracy by offering cabinet posts to
118 members of the 224 members supporting him, and world does not eyen raise
their eyelid at this perverted democracy?
everybody and call democracy a purchasable product, Mr.Mahinda Rajapakshe
shamelessly will declare, and how can the world be hoodwinked by such acts? How
can nations that swear by democracy say we will protect the unitary structure
of Srilanka, when over the catacomb of democracy a tin pot dictator carries out
his genocide of Tamils and builds his castle of lies?
If the historical lesson of successive Srilankan Governments going back on
promises made and pacts reached with Tamils is not enough to tell you not to
expect any panacea from Srilanka to heal the wounds of Tamils, then our party
had to remind Democratic Party and its Government about the fate of Annexure C
proposals mooted by Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1983. This peace
proposal drafted by Indira Gandhi’s special emissary Mr.G.Parthsarathy was to
be the basis of deliberations in All Party Conference. Then Srilankan President
Mr.J.R.Jayawardene disclaimed obligation to abide by it. Current Srilankan
President Mr.Mahinda Rajapakshe offers you to place Tamils demand before all
party conference, and media reports suggest that he had convinced your
administration. The Tamil cause and the bravery of the freedom fighters falsely
branded as terrorists had not been explained properly in international arena;
hence these historical facts about aborted pacts remain hidden from all of your
There are numerous papers from which line by line and word by word we can
puncture the arguments in favor of another All Party Conference, a futile
exercise to hoodwink USA
was mooted in talks with you. The Report of the Working Group of Officials and
Experts to the Committee of the All party Conference in August 1984, The
Presidents Report to the Plenary session of the All Party Conference in
September 1984 and the Statement by the then Srilankan President and Chairman
of the All Party Conference in its plenary session of December 1984 could be examined
by USA State Department on what all had been offered and what was withdrawn.
Current President of Srilanka Mr.Mahinda Rajapakshe only offers old wine in new
bottle. Though literally speaking old wine will be tasty, here new poison in
new bottle with old sticker of all party conference is proposed to be offered
by Mr.Rajapakshe, we Indian Tamils caution your administration. The District
and Provincial Council Bill, a draft bill was adopted at the 1984 All Party
Conference. But President J.R.Jayawardene ended the deliberations
once again made an abortive attempt to resolve the crisis. In July 1985,
Government of India convened Thimpu Talks in Bhutan . Government of Srilanka,
Tamil United Liberation Front, Tamil Eelam Liberation Organization, PLOTE, EROS
and EPRLF participated in the talks. The Srilankan document of 1984 regarding
District and Provincial Councils was tabled. All Tamil groups rejected this
offer on 13th July 1985.
said “We have demanded and struggled for an independent Tamil State
as answer to the problem of denial of basical and fundamental rights to our
people. We urge that a] Tamils of Srilanka should be recognized as distinct
nationality. b] The guarantee to our territorial integrity of our Tamil
homeland c] the inalienable right of self determination of Tamils is recognized
d] the full citizenship rights, democratic rights, fundamental rights of Tamils
should be recognized.
Based on these cardinal principles if a
conflict resolution formula is envisaged, Tamil parties expressed willingness
to consider it. Srilanka was adamant, Thimpu talks mediated by India failed.
But both India and Srilanka
discussed and discussed, without involving aggrieved party namely Tamils and a
Draft Framework of Terms of Accord and Understanding was submitted to Srilankan
President J.R.Jayawardene by India .
The Srilankan President should have placed this document for Cabinet approval,
which he failed to do wantonly, therefore resulting in it becoming lapsed.
TULF, the Tamil moderate party presented a memorandum to Indian Prime Minister
Mr.Rajiv Gandhi in December 1985. Srilankan Government submitted its response
to these proposals in January 1986. Herein the Chidambaram proposals mooted by
current Indian Minister of Home Affairs needs mention. A delegation of Indian
Government led by Mr.P.Chidambaram discussed with Srilankan Government and
Tamil parties, and based on these discussions Srilankan Government sent its
proposals to Government of India. The Draft Amendment to the Constitution of
Srilanka based on Chidambaram proposals emerged in September 1986.
Then Indian
Prime Minister Mr.Rajiv Gandhi and Srilankan President Mr.J.R.Jayawardane met
in Indian city of Bangalore
on 18th November 1986, and a working paper based on their discussions emerged.
Srilankan Government submitted its response to this working paper on 26th
November 1986.All these discussions led to the Indo-Srilanka Agreement for
peace and normalcy in Srilanka of July 1987.
The much dreaded
monster, a phobia created by Srilanka and Osama Bin Laden obsessed Western countries,
LTTE agreed to hand over arms and started handing over arms to Indian Peace
Keeping Force.
As per the accord Government of Srilanka should grant general
amnesty to “political prisoners and others now held in custody under the
Prevention of Terrorism Act and other Emergency Laws, and to combatants as well
as accused, charged or convicted under these laws.” If only Srilanka had
granted this general amnesty without putting spokes in the wheel, the LTTE
would have become a democratic political party. Srilanka withheld amnesty to
1250 Tamil political prisoners, and LTTE suspended the surrender of arms.
Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Srilanka brought out in November
1987 resulted in setting up of Provincial Councils for first time. Then also
the grievances remained. Tamil political parties ACTC, DPLF, ENDLF and TELO
submitted proposals to the Drafting Committee of the All Party Conference in
1990. Then the Thondaman proposals formulated by CWC, proposals by Liberal
Party were all presented but these exercises before Constitutional Reform
Committee ended without serving any purpose. The Up Country People’s Front
submitted its proposals to the Parliamentary Select Committee on Constitutional
Reforms. So you and your Government must take note of the various initiatives
not only by Tamil political parties but Sinhalese also were derailed in these
exercises in futility.
Then Respected Secretary of State, we cannot hope for
any result through the All Party Conference idea mooted to you by current
Srilankan President Mr.Mahinda Rajapakshe. His predecessors in past were buying
time to tire out Tamils and ultimately to eliminate Tamils from their soil,
hence these conferences to hoodwink the world. Only a nincompoop will accept
the offers made by Mr.Rajapakshe, who thinks he can fool the whole world with
verbal gymnastics.
Presidential candidate Mr.Gamini Dissanayake announced Peace Proposals but he
was assassinated, and his party abandoned the proposals in 1996. Your
Government must ask the CIA or FBI to refresh your memory on the political
assassinations in Srilanka, assassinations of media men in Srilanka, in all
such compiled facts the accusing finger will not point towards LTTE but towards
Sinhalese leaders themselves. Are these leaders peace loving people, they alone
are terrorists, and as tit for tat if someone
had got a hit from Tamil side, that should be viewed in the overall
political arena and the players in that area, who are no paragons of virtue. To
blame freedom fighters of all sins under the sun, the rest of the world with
conscience should not hide the criminality of people in power.
The story is not over yet. Srilankan President Chandrika Kumaratunga’s
devolution proposals of 1995.The first round of talks between Prime Minister of
Srilanka’s delegation and Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam held on 13th October
1995. But Prime Minister Chandrika Kumaratunga who was for peace won the
Presidential election in November, made her mindset change from solving the
issue to appeasing the Sinhalese majority.
are in short the past initiatives of Indian Prime Ministers, Indira Gandhi and
Rajiv Gandhi which failed to yield peace in Srilanka. The Indo Srilankan Accord
of 1897 and Basics Ideas of Chandrika Kumaratunga which resulted in 13th
Amendment to the Srilankan constitution were two initiatives which offered few
sops, but other initiatives were total disasters. In the light of these
historical facts, we would urge the US Administration not to buy the suggestion
of All Party Conference mooted by Srilankan President Mr.Mahinda Rajapakshe.
Peravai, a political party from India, who is in the mailing list of Democratic
Party even before who the winner is in the candidature of Presidency was known,
urges you and the winner President Barrack H.Obama to exert strong pressure on
Srilanka to stop genocide or force economic blockade on Srilanka.
regards yours fraternally
General Secretary Dravida Peravai
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