Thursday, September 6, 2018

Colonization- Decolonization and Recolonization

Colonization- Decolonization and Recolonization

N.Nandhivarman General Secretary Dravida Peravai

 (Paper presented in the SEMINAR ON INDIA AND FRANCE-PAST-PRESENT AND FUTURE organized by Center for Nehru Studies and School of International Studies Pondicherry University, sponsored by Government of Pondicherry and Indian Council for Historical Research New Delhi held on 26-28 October 2004)

Introduction: History is still shrouded in mystery. Selectively people cling to certain cliché and try to define history as they conceive it. The mindset of the general mass is tuned to listen to one-sided views that put a lid on the truth. Parrots repeat what is taught, and people conditioned to colonial reflexes, sing lullabies for their colonial masters. It is true all humans and rulers are not bad, but to differentiate between bad and good rule, a true historian has a unique role to play. We live in an era of information technology transforming towards nano-technology era. This era of global village brings to us many painful stories of the past, when as bonded labors and slaves our people faced the wrath of colonialists.

 Indian born Kumud Merani had produced a documentary titled Girmit Ki kahani in Hindi and Sweet Sorrow in English on the injustices meted out to Indian labourers who were duped and sent to Fiji between 1879 and 1916. This documentary had won the Asia Pacific Broadcasting Union Award in the News and Current Affairs category for the year 2004. Similar travails of Pondicherrians taken to French colonies are yet to be compiled from archival materials. These pages need not be kept in dark. What has happened has happened. We have no prerogative to portray what we want to, instead of telling what really happened. India obtained freedom at midnight, but Pondicherry at one fine dawn. Yet there is no comparative study on Pondicherry’s decolonization in comparison with other French colonies. Nor there exists a comparative study incorporating Pondicherry’s freedom struggle with other freedom movements in former French colonies. There is need for India centric comparative study on British, Portuguese and French colonialism. These remarks are aimed at scholars and Institutions of Pondicherry intending to stimulate and activate them to rectify these lapses in our historical thought. Let us think about our past, present with dreams for future. 

Decolonization Drive of 20 th Century: Decolonization became the societal goal of the peoples under colonial regimes aspiring to achieve self-determination. It reflected in the United Nations General Assembly's proclamation on 14 December 1960 of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples - resolution 1514 (XV).  The Declaration states that "the subjection of peoples to alien subjugation, domination and exploitation constitutes a denial of fundamental human rights, is contrary to the United Nations Charter, and is an impediment to the promotion of world peace and cooperation, and that steps should be taken to transfer, unconditionally, all powers to the Trust and Non-Self-Governing Territories so that they might enjoy complete freedom and independence". Also in 1960, the Assembly approved resolution 1541 (XV), defining free association with an independent State, integration into an independent State, or independence as the three legitimate options of full self-government 

Liberation of Colonies: Let us have a look at colonies that attained liberation. A British Colony and Protectorate Togo land united with the Gold Coast in 1957 to form Ghana. French administered Togo land   became independent as Togo in 1960.Italy ruled Somaliland joined with British Somaliland protectorate in 1960 to form Somalia.  French colony of Cameroon’s gained independence as Cameroon in 1960 while British ruled northern territory of Cameroon’s joined Nigeria and southern territory with Cameroon in 1961. British administered Tanganyika became independent in 1961. In 1964, Tanganyika and the former protectorate of Zanzibar, which had become independent in 1963, united as a single State under the name of the United Republic of Tanzania. Belgian administered Ruanda-Urundi voted to divide into the two sovereign States of Rwanda and Burundi in 1962. New Zealand ruled Western Samoa became independent as Samoa in 1962. Australia administered Nauru attained independence in 1968. Australian ruled New Guinea united with Papua and became the independent State of Papua New Guinea in 1975. That is how the fresh air of freedom was breathed by various colonies in the previous century. Now let us have a look at the time- table of French colonies on their road to independence.

 French Colonies towards liberation:   
Indo-China gained Independence as Viet Nam (1945) Laos (1949) and Cambodia (1953). French Establishments in Oceania & French Guiana, Martinique, Reunion, St.Pierre & Miquelon, Guadeloupe and dependencies underwent change of status in 1947. Morocco in 1956   and French Guinea obtained Independence, as Guinea in 1958.French Sudan became independent Mali in 1960. Ivory Coast after Independence changed the name to Mauritania in1960. French West Africa gained Independence as Dahomey (now Benin) in 1960.Niger Colony became Niger and then gained Independence as Senegal in 1960.  French Somaliland attained Independence as Djibouti in 1977. Madagascar (1960) and Comoros (1975) gained independence. New Hebrides is under Anglo-French Condominium. Tunisia attained independence (1956), Cameroon (1960), Togo (1960), and Vanuatu (1980). Italy Somaliland Trust Territory got Independence as Somalia (joined with British Somaliland) in 1960.  

Others: East Timor attained independence in May 2002 and joined the United Nations in September 2002 as Timor Leste. In 1963, the Federation of Malaya became Malaysia, following the admission to the new federation of Singapore, Sabah (North Borneo) and Sarawak. Singapore became independent in 1965.Following the ratification in 1964 of Articles of Union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar, the United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar was formed and later changed its name to the United Republic of Tanzania.

 Colonies of Today: United Nations documents issued in 2002 lists the following areas as ones still considered being without self-rule. That means colonialism is yet to be completely wiped out. In AFRICA Western Sahara is first in that list alphabetically. In ATLANTIC AND CARIBBEAN United Kingdom administers Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands (Malvinas), Montserrat, St. Helena, Turks and Calicos Islands whereas United States of America rules United States Virgin Islands. In EUROPE Gibraltar is under the control of United Kingdom. In the PACIFIC AND INDIAN OCEANS American Samoa and Guam are with United States. Pitcairn under United Kingdom and Tokelau remain with New Zealand. Since on 2 December 1986, the United Nations General Assembly determined that New Caledonia was a Non-Self-Governing Territory, we can say that New Caledonia is the only colony under France even in this century. 

The Catalyst for Change: Decolonization British style:
 The aftermath of Second World War, led to rapid disintegration of the European empires. Colonialism downed its shutters. A salubrious breeze of freedom swept colonialism. Colonies became independent states.  

Decolonisation and the British Empire 1775-1997 by Professor of Political Theory in University of Wales D. GEORGE BOYCE   analyses the ideas and policies that governed the British experience of decolonization. It shows how the British political tradition, with its emphasis on experience over abstract theory, was integral to the way in which the empire was regarded as being transformed rather than lost. This was a significant aspect of the relatively painless British loss of empire. It places the process of decolonization in its wider context, tracing the twentieth-century domestic and international conditions that hastened decolonization, and, through a close analysis of not only the policy choices but also the language of British imperialism, it throws new light on the British way of managing both the expansion and contraction of empire.  With India's declaration of independence it became apparent that it was only a matter of time before Britain’s other colonies demanded their own independence. By 1957 only two of Britain’s colonies in Africa had gained their independence they were the Gold Coast and Sudan. The rest were to quickly receive their independence between 1957 and 1964.  The characteristics of these independences were the methods with which they carried out by the British. They followed the same plan in each colony, which was to prepare the colony for self-rule by training people for the new positions within government and in other sectors which the British settlers had dominated in. This meant the new independent country would be able to support her. It also meant that the likely hood of a power vacuum would be reduced after the British left, opines a comparative study.

 Decolonization French way:
 France was another great imperial power who decolonised after the Second World War although her reasons and methods were quite different from Britain.  Whereas the British realized the colonies were beginning to become a burden the French believed they had to re-assert their national prestige by keeping control of their colonies. This may explain why the French experience of decolonisation was so different to Britain’s. French decolonisation was bloody and bitter whereas Britains was quite peaceful and quite painless. France fought two costly and bloody wars over her colonies. The first of these was in Indo-China, which had been under French rule since the 19th Century. During the Second World War Indo-China was invaded and occupied by the Japanese.  Vietminh led by Ho Chi Minh fought a guerrilla war against the Japanese. At the end of the Second World War the French intended to retake control of Indo-China but before they could the Vietminh declared independence. Fighting broke out in 1946 and continued for eight years before the French suffered a massive defeat at Dien Bien Phu. This was the decisive point of the war with an armistice being signed soon after. France had lost much in the war including 91,000 men and their colony. France’s African Empire started to decolonise after the humiliating defeat at Dien Bien Phu as riots spread across the French African states. France realized she could not hold her empire together anymore and begun decolonising. All the French African colonies were granted their independence between 1956 and 1960 with the exception Algeria. Algeria held a unique place within the French Empire as it had been formally integrated into France thus making it not a colony but a part of France itself. An armed rebellion led by the F.L.N. (Front d'Liberation National) in 1954 led to bloody civil war in Algeria. In 1958 General de Gaulle was persuaded to come out of retirement to end the conflict in Algeria. Charles De Gaulle realized that France could not win the war and that it would be a major strain on the economy to continue it. He begun talks for independence and he and the F.L.N. leader signed a settlement in 1962.

 French dream to colonize Pondicherry:
 History of French in India is a monumental work written by Colonel G.B.Malleson, which narrates the events that lead to the founding of Pondicherry in 1674 to the capture of that place in 1761. In the reign of Louis XII, in the year 1503, two ships of the merchants of Rouen took to seas and were never heard thereof. This marks the first French attempt to set foot on Indian soil. Though many had the urge nothing concrete emerged. On June 1 1604 a company was established under Kings letters patent, granting it exclusive trade for 15 years. This also failed to take of due to faction feuds among the founders. 7 years later Louis XIII tried again in vain to activate the company. During 1615 two merchants sought transfer of the company to them, which was stiffly opposed by the company. Hence as compromise formula the King created a coalition of both sides and conferred on July 2, 1615 letters patent. The next year two ships set to sail to India. Commodore de Nets was in charge of the big vessel and Captain Antoine Beaulieu of the smaller vessel. The Dutch crew in Beaulieu's ship obeying the diktats of their government left the vessel of Beaulieu. And Beaulieu had to dispose the ship and join the vessel of Commodore de Nets. In spite of all such travails the venture was profitable. So the company launched 3 more vessels on trip to India. Mont Morenci with 162 men, 22 guns with 450-ton capacity, L’Esperance with 117 men, 26 guns and 400-ton capacity, L’Hermitage with 30 men, 8 guns and with 75-ton capacity, were placed under Beaulieu’s chief command. In that trip the Dutch sank L’Hermitage. Next 20 years no further efforts to reach east was undertaken. In 1642 a new company La Compagnie des Indes with Richelieu was launched but before ships could set to sail he passed away. A resting place mid way to Indes became their passion. The first French vessel to Madagascar reached its shores in summer of 1642.The local people resisted French settlers. The company had to incur heavy losses in combating local people and ultimately gave up its claims to Madagascar in 1672. In 1664 French Compagnie des Indes with a capital of 15,000,000 livres was formed. A charter by the Government granted the company exclusive rights for 50 years to trade with India with total exemption from taxation. Government also agreed to reimburse all losses if any. They first went for Madagascar. On March 7, 1665 with four ships and 520 men. They changed its name to Isle Dauphin. Earlier Portuguese had called it Saint Lawrence. The local revolt against French occupation continued and culminated in the fierce massacre of almost all within the walls of Fort Dauphine. These abortive attempts gradually led to French setting foot on Indian soil and making it a colony of France.

 Reason for India becoming a destination:
Why do all colonialists set their eye on India? It is needless here to narrate how French obtained a foothold on Indian soil and how they later became rulers. It is vital to know why India was colonized, be it by the British, French and the Portuguese? The East India Company was founded in 1600 to sell British woolen cloth to India. Their ships arrived in Surat in 1608 with vast quantities of broadcloth but the trade soon faltered and died out. What changed their fortunes was the discovery of cotton, which was completely unknown in the west, says Ms. Crill who had coauthored a book Trade, Temple and Court: Indian Textiles from Tapi Collections. Another author of the same book Ms.Ruth Barnes states that Textile trade surfaces repeatedly in the social and economic histories of these times. For centuries textiles were crucial currency in the Indian Ocean trade. If you wanted a piece of the spice trade in the 14 th century, you did not have a chance unless you showed up in the Eastern Indonesia with high quality textiles. Well these textile scholars have stated one reason for India being a popular destination for colonialists. Colonialists came to market their products but were drawn towards buying Indian fabrics. ? Millions of Indian cotton arrived in England at that time, so much so that the wool and linen weavers began to protest and a law prohibiting Indian textiles was passed in 1700? Says Rosemary Crill of the V&A Museum, London in her book. 

Decolonisation of French India:  
Let me quote verbatim the last rituals performed for decolonising Pondicherry as written in the book Decolonisation of French India, since I do not want to be drawn in controversies by writing a new version myself. The procedure incorporated into the joint communiqu鬠which was simultaneously published from New Delhi and Paris, ran as follows Desirous of reaching a final settlement on the question of the French establishments in India, The government of India and the Government of the French Republic through their representatives in Delhi has engaged in negotiations. As a result of these negotiations the two governments have agreement on the following procedure. All elected members of the representative assembly and the Municipal Councils of the establishments will be met at a Congress on October 18 in the settlement of Pondicherry to consider the joint proposals of the two governments for a final settlement of the future of the settlements and record their decision on these proposals as an expression of the wishes of the people .An arê´te of the Commissaire de la Pepublique was published on 11 October in the Journal official of Pondicherry with a view to acquainting the people the conditions of the consultation. The Pondicherry Government issued summons to the elected municipal members of the south Indian settlements and the Representative assembly to meet at Kizhur about 10 miles on the border of west of Pondicherry on 18 October at 10 o’clock to decide the future of the French settlements in India. The members of the four settlements whose election was valid up to 1 st January 1954 had been asked to vote on that day either for the continuation of French rule in these settlements or for merger of these settlements with the Indian Union. The importance of the Congress and the necessity of the members to attend the Congress were expressed in a circular, which was signed by the Secretary General for French India and dispatched to the elected members accompanied by the topographical map of the place where the congress was to be held together with the admission card. There was a proposal to hold the congress at Karaikal, but that was set aside. Kizhur, a tiny hamlet situated in Indian Territory was finally chosen in order to avoid the disturbances, which the presence of Goubert and Muthupillai might have provoked if the congress had been held at Pondicherry. Balasubramanian, President of the Representative Assembly acted as presiding officer of the Congress. Out of 178, 170 members voted overwhelmingly in favour of the merger with Indian Union and 8 voted against. The results were declared in the presence of Pierre Landy and Kewal Singh. The period of suspense was over.  The usual scene of excitement tension and violence, which had tainted previous elections in French India, was totally absent here in this hamlet. It was so to speak a parody of consultation. France had to agree to this as a sop to satisfy her constitutional requirements and India had to accept this verdict given by the members of the municipal councils and representative assembly whose elections she had protested as irregular. The signing of the treaty at New Delhi on 21 October followed this. The remaining 10 days witnessed the French India authorities make hectic preparations for total withdrawal from Pondicherry and Karaikal. As fixed earlier Escargueil left Pondicherry for France on 31 st October handing over charge to Pierre Landy. The French national flag was removed from the top of the Governors house in the evening of the same day. On 1 November of 1954 at 6.45 in the morning a document of transfer was signed between Pierre Landy representing France and Kewal Singh, Indian Consul general and Indian Commissioner designate in the official residence of the former. In Karaikal too Boucheney aided by Duvauchelle, an Officer of the foreign department who had recently arrived here, handed over power to the India administration? 

Immediately after this the Indian national flag was unfurled over the government house to the tumultuous ovation of thousands of people who had gathered there marking the close of seven-year tortuous negotiations. Throughout the day there was jubilation everywhere in Pondicherry, In Karaikal, in Mahe and in Yenam and the rest of India in this hour of joy. As a result of the historic decision taken at kizhur more than 3 lakh people rejoined their mother country India at the dawn of 1 November thereby ending 240-year-old French rule on the four settlements of South India. The people of India welcomed the residents of the erstwhile French settlements into the larger fold of Indian citizenship.  A part of India separated from the motherland is coming back to us on its own freewill Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and President Rajendra Prasad said we should be equal partners in a common endeavor to work for the progress and prosperity of India. The congress of Kizhur facilitated the dissolution of French colonial rule in the French pockets, but French sovereignty over them continued legally till dejure transfer had taken place in 1962.

 FRENCH AND FRENCH CITIZENS IN INDIA PRESENT STATUS: The colonial rule created a new class of citizens, Indian born yet French citizens by option. These Indians have roots in Pondicherry but have their work and homes in France. For those left in the soil of Pondicherry France has constitutional arrangements to look after the interests of Indian born French citizens. This arrangement is unique and deserves close appraisal. The notification issued by the Rastrapathi Bhavan few years ago had stated that hereafter the Ministry of Non Resident Indians will be named as Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs in English and Pravasi Bharatiya Karya Mantralaya in Hindi which has come into operation now. But within our country we have residing Non Resident French citizens but who are Indians by birth but French citizens by option. It will be interesting to compare with what French does for Overseas French affairs. When French left their former colonies, they left large sections that opted to become French citizens. There are more than 20 million French citizens living abroad in various former French colonies including Pondicherry, which is a Union Territory under Indian Union. One hundred and fifty five delegates are elected by direct universal suffrage by the French communities abroad for a period of 6 years and this body is presided by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France.  French citizens in America elect 32 delegates and from Africa 47 seats thus the total of A series of constituencies is 79. In B series there are 76 seats and the break up is 52 seats from Europe and from Asia-Oceania and the Orient 24. Within these 24 seats two are chosen from Pondicherry. Half of the Electoral College is renewed every 3rd year. All former colonies are divided into 52 electoral districts, with one or more delegates per district. A country may have several electoral districts, just as an electoral district may cover several countries. French people residing abroad through their 155 representatives elect twelve Senators to French Parliament. They get elected one-third at a time for 8 years in 2004 and for 7 years in 2007 and for 6 years from 2010

The Constitution of 27 October 1946 (IVth Republic) stipulated that the new Parliament would comprise a National Assembly and a "Council of the Republic" (as the Senate was called until 1958) within which "the French of the Exterior" would be represented. This may be like our lower and upper houses in Parliament. The National Assembly pondered and decided how to effect this representation. It decreed, in a resolution dated 13 December 1946, that three "Councillor of the Republic" seats (out of 320) would go to personalities representing Non Resident French citizens living in Europe, America and Asia-Oceania-Orient respectively.

 For more than two decade the following associations were looking after the interests of Non Resident French citizens in Paris. They are the Union of French Chambers of Commerce Abroad, the French Overseas Teachers Association, the Non-Resident French War Veterans Federation, and the Overseas French Union (Union des Franç¡©s de l?é´²anger, UFE), founded in 1927. These four bodies mooted a suggestion for creation of a "high council" by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The then Prime Minister, Robert Schuman, and his Foreign Minister, Georges Bidault signed a Decree setting up the High Council for French People residing abroad. On 7 July 1948. The first High Council was composed of 55 members: 8 ex officio members (the three Senator-Councilors of the Republic, the president and director of the UFE, the presidents of the Chambers of Commerce, of the Teachers Association and of the War Veterans Federation, 42 elected officials, and 5 members nominated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.” The first CSFE elections of 1950 were held in seventy countries of Europe, America, Asia and Oceania, according to a protocol defined in a Ministerial Decree dated 10 December 1949 and signed by Robert Schuman.

Article 24 of the Constitution of 25 September 1958 states, "French nationals settled outside France should be represented in the Senate." Two Executive Orders were issued, on 15 November 1958 and 4 February 1959 respectively, for organizing this representation and providing the CSFE with new status. The CSFE, while retaining its advisory role, became the sole Electoral College for electing Senators from abroad.  Their numbers   increased from three to six, two representing Europe and America, one representing Asia-Oceania and three representing Africa. It was thus divided into three sections for the Senatorial elections of 23 April 1959. The CSFE had 84 elected members   but it became clear that Europe and America were under-represented in comparison with Africa.  The number of Senators was therefore brought up to nine for 1962 elections. After the creation of the Democratic Association of French Citizens Abroad (Association Dé­¯cratique des Franç¡©s à ¬? Etranger - ADFE) in 1980, the CSFE was reconstituted in 1982. The Act of 7 June 1982 paved way for the election by universal suffrage of Delegates to the CSFE, which (with the exception of twenty-one members chosen for their competence but not having Senatorial voting rights) was no longer a body of appointed personalities. And the election of twelve Senators thereafter is only by the elected members of the CSFE. The Minister of Foreign Affairs defines the objectives and priorities of the assembly chaired by him. The Senators place before the Senate, the National Assembly and the Economic and Social Council the propositions, motions, resolutions and wishes expressed by their electors. The twelve Senators, ex officio members of the AFE, can introduce Bills or legislative amendments reflecting the hopes and needs of French people living around the world. 

The French Minister of Foreign Affairs on the basis of their particular qualifications designates the appointed councilors. The members of the Council may form political groups.
  The college of Vice-Presidents (or conference of Vice-Presidents) enacts the work of the Council and reports back to the President. The plenary assembly, attended by the ex officio members, the appointed members and the elected members, meets once a year in Paris at the beginning of September. 
Members are divided among specialized committees, which prepare reports for submission to the plenary assembly.  
 The AFE exercises real political authority at the moment when Senators representing French people abroad are elected. Elected AFE members can sponsor a candidate for the French presidential elections. The AFE is "called upon to give the Cabinet opinions on matters and projects of concern to French People residing abroad, and on developing France’s presence abroad". They are not prior opinions, however. The AFE could rather be said to fulfill the role of a specialized Economic and Social Council. The Cabinet may consult it, or it may intervene at its own initiative. AFE members, as elected representatives of the various French communities abroad, are concerned to defend the interests of French People residing abroad. They study matters relating to the education of French people abroad, their rights, their social situation, and their economic and taxation problems. The AFE may use background studies to inform the French authorities on specific problems (education, law, social affairs, foreign trade, taxation, etc) affecting the interests of French People residing abroad.

 This French experience is novel and it must be studied by the Government of India to evolve novel methods to solve the issues that haunt the Overseas Indians and the newly formed Ministry must emulate the representative system followed by France. British left India satisfied with getting 2 nominated M.P Seats in the Loksabha for Anglo-Indians. France did not plead for seats in the legislature for Franco-Indians. It worked out the above stated arrangements to manage the Indian born French nationals. From Fiji to Srilanka people of Indian origin are there. Will it be advisable if a similar arrangement is made for them under the aegis of the Ministry of Overseas Affairs? Union Territory Act has provision for 3 nominated members but it should be done according to the procedure adopted for Rajyasabha nominations i.e.: educated and social activists alone be nominated. That is another story.

Problems galore left by colonial legacy:
Colonial policy had a couple of goals: (1) to control the supply of valuable raw materials, such as minerals, petrol, wood, plantation crops such as rubber, sugar, pepper, cotton etc., (2) to secure a market for the industrial exports of the colonizing country, (3) country to settle in for the colonizing country's emigrating population, (4) strategic importance. Let us have a look at the problems left over by the colonial legacy. In the colonies, decades, in some countries centuries of colonial rule had resulted in major changes. In many cases, the borders of the colonies had been unilaterally drawn by Colonial powers with little regard for ethnicity and history. The border dispute India has with its neighbours is a left over of the colonial legacy. The contiguity of Pondicherry is missing and the enclave territories separated by miles scattered as dots remain in Indian map, which is also an issue of the colonial legacy and poses problem for gaining statehood to be on par with other Indian states. The infrastructure established by the colonial administration served mainly the interests of the colonial administration. There are many fields that warrant a study. More information may be in French and their archives. It is high time our scholars scan all such information to provide an in-depth study of Pondicherry's colonization and decolonization.  

While such study into past is also needed, there is greater need to study how decolorized nations have faced the challenges in the post-colonial era. We in India are still facing the issues left by the colonial legacy. Let us see the experience of Singapore and Malaysia and the issues, which will be of importance too from our standpoint. Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore stated once that empires never last forever, that either the master and subject races finally merged to a unified society or the empire ends with subject races clashes violently and finally emerging as separate nation and entity. Ironically, his statement can equally be applied to the independent country of Malaysia where race and racial issues are still a sensitive and election issue. Ethnocentrism was and is still not something that can ever be stamped out.

The Kingdom at a Crossroads written by Marijke van der Meer tells the story of Surinam. In the late 18th century the British swapped their South American colony now known as Surinam for Manhattan, then controlled by The Netherlands. For many years the Dutch reckoned they had the better of the of the deal, after all the British lost Manhattan quite quickly, while Surinam only gained its independence in on November 25 1975.

Professor Oostindie opines that there was not enough time to find solutions to many of Surinam's long-standing issues. "The Dutch government did whatever was necessary to accomplish independence," he says, "basically this was done by not solving several problems such as the border dispute with Guyana. They offered more development aid than had been conceived of before and they said that all Surinamers, even five years after independence, would be eligible for Dutch nationality, stimulating an exodus to The Netherlands. Today there are just over 400,000 people in Surinam but there are 300,000 people of Surinamese descent in The Netherlands. The whole demographic growth of this nation has been in The Netherlands rather than Surinam. The offer of French citizenship to people of Pondicherry origin by the French created a similar exodus, which needs a comparative study.

Reports from a wild country: Ethics of Decolonisation by Deborah Bird Rose explores some of Australia’s major ethical challenges. Written in the midst of rapid social and environmental change and in a time of uncertainty and division, it offers powerful stories and arguments for ethical choice and commitment. The focus is on reconciliation between Indigenous and Settler? Peoples, and with nature.
The above stated problems are just examples and lot remains to be studied about the postcolonial problems left over of the colonial legacies in all former colonies.

Recolonisation and Neocolonialism:
Colonization and decolonization could be understood easily as that process is over and a post mortem is possible. But what about recolonization? This word entered the political discourse in the aftermath of Iraqi invasion by America. America of the 20 th century was not in favour of colonization. But in 21 st century doubts over its moves aimed at recolonization exists in peoples mind. Neo colonialism needs a fresh study.  Now we are one in India, and we cannot think Pondicherry in isolation from rest of India and its burning issues. We live in an area of free markets. You should remember that the drive to market their products and purchase our raw materials only opened the doors to colonial rule few centuries before. History is repeating in a different form. The export and import of toxic wastes justified in the name of recycling is now one of the biggest threats to global environment. The import of toxic wastes by Third World countries is cause of grave concern. Take for example the Ship Building Yard at Alang in Gujarat.350 ships are scrapped in India every year. According to Central Pollution Control Board 12,428 metric tons of hazardous and non hazardous waste is produced in Alang, which seriously affects soil, water and air.
Dr.Wishwas Rane of All India Drug Action had brought out a comprehensive guide called Banned and Banable Drugs. That guide lists out 23 out of 80 top selling drugs as irrational and hazardous. While our country becomes dumping ground for hazardous pills banned in West, Indian Council for Medical Research has clearly established that a herbal product Vijaysar obtained from a bark of a tree Pterocarpus marsupium helps control blood glucose levels, yet it has to take off and enter the markets. Neocolonialism rules the roost, and we fail to resist recolonization by west, which is trying to capture our medical market.

You may be aware that the Suez Canal (1869) and Panama Canal (1915) Sethu Samudram Canal (1860) and Tenth Degree Canal have been mooted to create short navigational routes to bring prosperity to their respective regions and countries. The French initiative to build Siene_Norde Canal is an example for the keen interest evinced by developing countries to promote trade and overall development. You must go back to the pages of history to know that Thailand then known, as Siam is an enemy country of the British and an ally of the Japan during the World War II. On the conclusion of the Second World War II, one of the last secretive acts performed by the colonial Government of India was the signing of a Peace Treaty with Siam (Thailand). A Peace Treaty between her Majesty’s Government and the Government of India on one hand and the Kingdom of Siam on the other, on January 1, 1946 at the Government House Singapore. The signatories were for the Britain Mr. Moberly Dening, Political Adviser to Lord Louis Mount batten, for Government of India Mr.M.S.Aney and for Siam (now Thailand) Prince Viwat Anajai Jaiyant, Lt.General Phya Abhai Songgram and Nai Serm Vinichayakul. This treaty contains 24 articles. Out of this Article 7 assumes importance in the context of this letter. 

Article 7: Siam undertakes to construct no canal linking the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Siam (i.e. across the Kra Isthmus) without British consent. (Keesing's Contemporary Archives 1946-48 Vol VI, p 7695). This article had done great havoc to Indian shipping costing our nation billions of extra money by way of fuel imports, in view of shelving of the Tenth Degree Canal project with the imposition of a condition in this Peace Treaty. It has also blocked the economic prosperity of Thailand and held up the development process by half a century and more. 

Government of India and Government of Thailand must look into the unfavorable conditions imposed by a colonial rule, that too at the threshold of a defeat in Second World War II on Thailand, an ally of Japan. It is in the interests of India and Thailand that a Canal be cut across the Isthmus of Kra where the isthmus narrows to just 75 miles and to develop this canal vigorously so that a detour of 1500 nautical miles down the Malayan Coast via the Straits of Malacca and up the Gulf of Thailand in the South China Sea is avoided. The proposed Tenth Degree Canal will be an extension of the Tenth Degree channel in between Andaman and Nicobar islands. The opening of Tenth Degree canal will result is saving millions of tons of fuel foe world shipping. The Tenth Degree canal reduces the importance of other major canals of the world namely Suez Canal and Panama Canal. The Tenth Degree Canal would develop Andaman & Nicobar Islands and bring prosperity to its economy.

 But instead of thinking on these lines to develop Andaman Nicobar islands, the colonial mentality makes us think of bartering away 23 remote Lakshadeep and Andaman islands to foreigners. In Kerala people had to resist moves to hand over rivers to multinationals.

This how our Moghul rulers, Sultans, Nawabs, Nayaks and other Indian kings opened the doors to colonialism in yesteryears. Let not our soil become a breeding ground for neocolonialism. Let us not welcome recolonisation.      

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