Appeal to Election Commission
of India
The Deputy
Election Commissioner
Nirvachan Sadan
Respected Sir
We have immense
faith in the impartiality of the Election Commission of India, and after recent
elections certain political groups in Tamilnadu raised the bogey of fraudulent
machines. An inborn genius, similar to our G.D.Naidu, who lives in a remote village of Kongampattu of Villupuram District in
Tamilnadu Mr.Subburayalu alias Sembian, had mooted the idea of using internet
polling system through digital booth for fool proof electoral system.
writes poetry with ease and his verses within the Tamil grammatical framework
will make one wonder it is ancient literary work.
He will be
mailing you his poems with music brought in CD form. He plans to set up in his
farmland of mango groves a Tamil
Heritage Village
right adjacent to Puducherry –Villupuram
Highway . Having introduced him and his interests
we would state that his explanation on vote casting in digital booth written in
Tamil is enclosed.
We know that
throughout the world this is the fast catching reality and we have reproduced
those successful experiments here as prelude to Serbian’s submission which will
follow suit. The European E-Identity Management Conference to be held in London on 25 and 26th
June of 2009 will be deliberating what a homegrown genius in a little village
will be pondering.
Hence keeping in
tune with global trends we in India
should address to the need to introduce bio-metric finger print technology. Mr.Sembian
explains in chaste Tamil his views which come as attachment to our letter.
Let us all
strive for eminence.
With Regards
Secretary Dravida Peravai
[My article in
New Indian Express about you is enclosed. It is also available in our website
under the title: Nandhivarman in New Indian Express]
The History of Voting
By Mary Bellis
Paper Ballots
The paper ballot
system employs uniform official ballots of various stock weights on which the
names of all candidates and issues are printed. Voters record their choices, in
private, by marking the boxes next to the candidate or issue choice they select
and drop the voted ballot in a sealed ballot box.
This paper ballot system was first adopted in the
Australian state of Victoria
in 1856 and in the remaining Australian states over
the next several years. The paper ballot system thereafter became known as the
"Australian ballot." New York became
the first American
State to adopt the paper
ballot for statewide elections in 1889.
As of 1996,
paper ballots were still used by 1.7% of the registered voters in the United States .
They are used as the primary voting system in small communities and rural
areas, and quite often for absentee balloting in other jurisdictions. (Image:
Patent #340,218 - Combined Tally Sheet and Boll Book - Issued April, 1886 -
Inventor, Kinnard)
Mechanical Lever Machines
On mechanical
lever voting machines, the name of each candidate or ballot issue choice is
assigned a particular lever in a rectangular array of levers on the front of
the machine. A set of printed strips visible to the voters identifies the lever
assignment for each candidate and issue choice. The levers are horizontal in
their un-voted positions.
The voter
enables the machine with a lever that also closes a privacy curtain. The voter pulls
down selected levers to indicate choices. When the voter exits the booth by
opening the privacy curtain with the handle, the voted levers are automatically
returned to their original horizontal position. As each lever returns, it
causes a connected counter wheel within the machine to turn one-tenth of a full
rotation. The counter wheel, serving as the "ones" position of the
numerical count for the associated lever, drives a "tens" counter
one-tenth of a rotation for each of its full rotations. The "tens"
counter similarly drives a "hundreds" counter. If all mechanical
connections are fully operational during the voting period, and the counters
are initially set to zero, the position of each counter at the close of the
polls indicates the number of votes cast on the lever that drives it.
Interlocks in the machine prevent the voter from voting for more choices than
The first official use of a lever type voting machine,
known then as the "Myers Automatic Booth," occurred in Lockport , New
York in 1892. Four years
later, they were employed on a large scale in the city of Rochester ,
New York , and
soon were adopted statewide. By 1930, lever machines had been installed in
virtually every major city in the United States , and by the 1960's
well over half of the Nation's votes were being cast on these machines.
Mechanical lever
machines were used by 20.7% of registered voters in the United States
as of the 1996 Presidential election. Because
these machines are no longer made, the trend is to replace them with
computer-based mark sense or direct recording electronic systems.
Punch cards
Punch card
systems employ a card (or cards) and a small clipboard-sized device for
recording votes. Voters punch holes in the cards (with a supplied punch device)
opposite their candidate or ballot issue choice. After voting, the voter may
place the ballot in a ballot box, or the ballot may be fed into a computer
vote-tabulating device at the precinct.
Two common types
of punch cards are the "votomatic" card and the "data vote"
card. With the votomatic, the locations at which holes may be punched to
indicate votes are each assigned numbers. The number of the hole is the only
information printed on the card. The list of candidates or ballot issue choices
and directions for punching the corresponding holes are printed in a separate
booklet. (Today's "votomatic"
cards are the direct descendents of the original punch card developed from a
concept introduced by political scientist and former government administrator
Dr. Joseph P. Harris) With the data vote, the name of the candidate or
description of the issue choice is printed on the ballot next to the location
of the hole to be punched.
Although many jurisdictions are now switching from
punch card systems to more advanced mark sense or DRE systems, Los Angeles
County , the Nation's
largest election jurisdiction with 3.8 million registered voters, continues to
rely on their punch card voting system. In the 1996 Presidential election, some
variation of the punch card system was used by 37.3% of registered voters in
the United States .
In U.S. elections,
voters use pins to mark the punch cards by hand. The resulting leftover piece
of paper is referred to as a piece of chad, a term originating from 1947 of
unknown origin. Machines can punch chad out cleanly, but people cannot always
do so, resulting in confusing to interpret ballots. New election terms have been
used to describe disturbing ballot chad. Hanging chad means one corner of the
chad is hanging onto the punch card. Swinging chad means two corners are
attached to the ballot card. Tri-chad means three corners are hanging but the
hole has been punched. Pregnant chad means a hole is punched through the chad
but it still hangs on all four sides. Dimpled chad means there is an indent in
the chad but no clean hole has been punched.
Regarding the
famous butterfly ballot - the "butterfly" term refers to the plastic
guide that shows the voter, which hole to punch.
Related Information: Herman
Herman Hollerith
invented a punch card tabulation machine system for statistical computation.
Herman Hollerith used a punched card device to help analyze the US census
data of 1880. In 1896, Hollerith founded the Tabulating Machine Company to make
and sell his invention. The company became part of IBM in 1924.
Mark-sense (Optical Scan)
Mark sense
systems employ a ballot card on which candidates and issue choices are
preprinted next to an empty rectangle, circle, oval, or an incomplete arrow.
Voters record their choices by filling in the rectangle, circle or oval, or by
completing the arrow. After voting, the voters either place the ballot in a
sealed box or feed it into a computer-tabulating device at the precinct. The
tabulating device reads the votes using "dark mark logic," whereby
the computer selects the darkest mark within a given set as the correct choice
or vote. Mark sense technology has existed for decades and been used
extensively in such areas as standardized testing and statewide lotteries.
Although mark sense systems are often referred to as
optical scan systems, mark sense technology is only one of several methods for
recognizing marks on paper through optical reading techniques.
Mark sense
systems were used by 24.6% of registered voters in the United States
for the 1996 Presidential election, and their use is on the rise.
Direct Recording Electronic
The most recent
configuration in the evolution of voting systems is known as direct recording
electronic, or DRE. They are an electronic implementation of the old mechanical
lever systems. As with the lever machines, there is no ballot; the possible
choices are visible to the voter on the front of the machine. The voter
directly enters choices into electronic storage with the use of a touch-screen,
push buttons, or similar device. An alphabetic keyboard is often provided with
the entry device to allow for the possibility of write-in votes. The voter's
choices are stored in these machines via a memory cartridge, diskette or smart
card and added to the choices of all other voters.
In 1996, 7.7% of the registered voters in the United States
used some type of direct recording electronic voting system.
History of the Voting System
Standards Program
(As of November
During the
1970's, nearly anyone could cobble together a "voting machine", and
sell it to local election officials. Few States had any guidelines for testing
or evaluating these devices. Local officials either had to take the salesman's
word that the system worked or else depend on the opinion of colleagues who had
already bought it. Voting equipment horror stories -- some of them funny, some
of them downright chilling -- soon began circulating through the election
community. They triggered concerns about the integrity of the voting process.
In February 1975, the General Accounting Office's
Office of Federal Elections (predecessor to the Federal Election Commission)
signed an interagency agreement with the National Bureau of Standards to
develop operational guidelines that election administrators could use to help
ensure the accuracy and security of the computer-based vote-tallying process.
The resulting March 1975 report, Effective Use of Computing Technology in
Vote-Tallying, concluded that one of the basic causes for computer-related
election problems was the lack of appropriate technical skills at the State and
local level for developing or implementing written standards, against which
voting system hardware and software could be evaluated.
This report and
comments from State and local election officials led the U.S. Congress to
direct the Federal Election Commission (FEC), in conjunction with the National
Bureau of Standards (now known as the National Institute of Standards and
Technology), to conduct a study on the feasibility of developing voluntary
engineering and procedural performance standards for voting systems used in the
United States. In early 1984, this
three-year effort produced Voting System Standards: A Report on the Feasibility
of Developing Voluntary Standards for Voting Equipment.
Based on the
recommendations in that report, Congress appropriated funds permitting the
Commission to begin developing voluntary national standards for computer-based
voting systems. The FEC began the process in July 1984, and completed it with
the Commission's approval in January 1990 of the first national performance and
test standards for punch card, mark sense, and direct recording electronic
voting systems. More than 130 State and local election officials, independent
technical experts, vendors, Congressional staff, and others participated in the
effort to produce this document. The FEC spent $285,000 on four contracts over
the course of this effort.
View More Voting Machine Patents
Every Vote Counts
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Part 1:
A Look at Voting Machine Patents
In democratic nations,
voting is a method by which groups of people choose their leaders and decide
public issues. In the United
States , voting is considered one of the most
important rights of a citizen with that right being guaranteed by the
In the 1700's, oral
elections were conducted. The states later switched to written ballots,
requiring the voters to sign their ballots. Some citizens, however, feared that
others might react negatively if they voted as they wished. States began using
secret ballots so that each voter could choose or vote freely with anonymity.
Today, voting machines are
commonly employed to provide secrecy and simplify vote counting. Various types
of voting machines are employed including, but not limited to, mechanical
levers, electronic scanners, optical scanners and punch card machines.
In honor of all the
confusion surrounding the year 2000 presidential election - I have put together
a collection of voting machine patents issued throughout the years. Hundreds of
voting and electoral devices have been invented - maybe some of them work?
Method and apparatus for voting
Inventor - Roland Harp
Patent #5,585,612
Date - December 17, 1996
Method and apparatus for voting
Inventor - Roland Harp
Patent #5,585,612
Date - December 17, 1996
A voting machine is provided allowing an illiterate, sight
impaired or blind individual to cast a vote in privacy and without assistance
from another party. The voting machine includes a ballot box having a plurality
of voting mechanisms for allowing the individual to cast a vote. One voting
mechanism is provided for each election candidate/each side of an election
issue. The voting machine also includes an audio player that plays an audio
presentation that guides the individual through the voting process by
identifying each voting mechanism. A tactile and visual map may also be
provided. The map cooperates with the audio presentation to orient the
individual for voting. A method is also disclosed.
Voting machine with punch card attachment
Inventor - Cothburn O'Neal
Patent #4,025,040
Date - May 24, 1977
A compact, lightweight, manually operated voting machine with
provisions for straight ticket, selective and write-in voting, and for choosing
two or more candidates from a list of several running at large; with provision
for recording each voter's choice on a punch card for computer counting, and
including a mechanical counter automatically totaling the votes for each
candidate for confirmation of the punch card count.
Voting Machine
Inventor - S.R Shoup
Patent #2,054,103
Date - September 15, 1936
Inventor - S.R Shoup
Patent #2,054,103
Date - September 15, 1936
Voting booth
Inventor - Derry Hobson
Patent #D378, 173
Date - February 25, 1997
The ornamental design for a voting booth, as shown and described.
Inventor - Derry Hobson
Patent #D378, 173
Date - February 25, 1997
The ornamental design for a voting booth, as shown and described.
Mobile voting service
Inventor - Oscar Smith
Patent #4,377,367
Date - March 22, 1983
The mobile voting
service includes a vehicle having a driving cab and body mounted on a chassis.
Preferably four voting booth are disposed inside the vehicle body to take the
booths to voters located at various locations such as hospitals, military
installations, low income housing areas, nursing homes, industrial plants,
businesses, and rural areas to permit them to vote for the candidate of their
choice. The vehicle further includes a two-way communication system, office
equipment, and a hydraulic lift mounted on the vehicle body adjacent a door
opening into the vehicle. The hydraulic lift includes a platform with at least
one hydraulic support and hydraulic equipment for raising and lowering the
platform with respect to the vehicle body. The hydraulic lift may be used to
install the voting booths and office equipment or to permit handicapped voters
to enter and exit the vehicle body for voting purposes. The voting vehicle may
further include a bathroom and sleeping quarters for the personnel operating
the vehicle and voting booths.
Voting Machine Company Agrees to Hand over Source Code
- By Kim
- June 8,
2009 |
- 2:26 pm
- Categories:
Election officials in Washington , DC ,
are finally going to get source code for voting machines that produced
‘phantom’ votes during the district’s primary election last September.
Sequoia Voting Systems agreed on
Friday, after the city threatened a lawsuit, to hand over the proprietary code.
Sequoia will
also give election officials documentation describing how the source code
and machines were created and maintained, according
to the Washington Post.
During the city’s primary
election last September, Sequoia’s optical-scan machines added about 1,500
‘phantom’ votes to races on ballots cast in one precinct.
The city has been demanding a
look at the source code to determine the problem. But Sequoia initially wanted
a $20 million bond from officials guaranteeing they wouldn’t disclose
information about the system. Sequoia agreed on Friday to provide the source
code without a bond, though the city has agreed to keep the company’s trade
secrets confidential. The city can, however, publish information about
vulnerabilities that its experts uncover in the system.
Sequoia’s machines are used in
17 states and the District of
Columbia .
It’s not the first time that
Sequoia’s source code has been examined by outsiders. The company was required
to give it to California
in 2007 for a top-to-bottom review the state conducted of voting machines used
in that state.
Last year, a judge also ordered New Jersey
election officials to give source code for the state’s AVC Advantage
touch-screen machines to Princeton
University computer
scientist Andrew Appel and others for a lawsuit that challenged the integrity
of Sequoia’s paperless touch-screen voting machines. Voting activists had sued the state to decommission the machines.
It was believed to be the first time a court sided with plaintiffs against
election officials withholding source code. Appel’s team found several
vulnerabilities with the system.
In a separate examination of voting results from the Sequoia
machines in New Jersey, Appel also found a discrepancy between summary tapes
printed from Sequoia machines during the state’s primary election in 2008 and
totals that were recorded on the machine’s memory cards. Summary tapes from
machines in one district showed a phantom vote
for then-presidential-candidate Barack Obama that didn’t appear in the memory
card totals.
The Sequoia machines in Union County , New
Jersey , also showed that Republican presidential
candidates received 61 votes when only 60
ballots had been cast in the Republican primary. About 60 machines showed
such discrepancies. When Union County election officials announced that they planned
to have Princeton academics examine the
machines to determine what went wrong, Sequoia threatened a lawsuit.
Sequoia initially
blamed the problem on election officials (.PDF) for pushing the wrong
buttons, but later claimed it uncovered a problem in its software that was
creating the vote errors and announced
that it had fixed the issue.
(ANSA) - Rome ,
February 16 - The House of Deputies on Monday began taking the fingerprints of
MPs ahead of a new
voting system based on fingerprint recognition that will be activated in March.
House Speaker Gianfranco Fini has backed the new system, which will put a stop to MPs voting on behalf of absent colleagues. Opposition Democratic Party (PD) MP Roberto Giachetti,
who has lobbied for improved controls on voting, was the first to have his fingerprints taken and said all PD politicians were committed to the new system.
The system has been opposed by some centre-right
politicians as well as government ally the Northern League,
who have argued it is an invasion of privacy.
voting system based on fingerprint recognition that will be activated in March.
House Speaker Gianfranco Fini has backed the new system, which will put a stop to MPs voting on behalf of absent colleagues. Opposition Democratic Party (PD) MP Roberto Giachetti,
who has lobbied for improved controls on voting, was the first to have his fingerprints taken and said all PD politicians were committed to the new system.
The system has been opposed by some centre-right
politicians as well as government ally the Northern League,
who have argued it is an invasion of privacy.
Rush vote European Parliament on
December, 2004
is likely that the Council of European Justice and Home Affairs ministers will
adopt a regulation tomorrow, on 3 December 2004, to fingerprint all EU citizens
and residents, to take digital photographs of their faces and to store these
data in a gigantic database of 450 million EU citizens. This will be the last
step of a procedure that has exploited the democratic deficit of the European
Union to an unheard extreme.
the European Parliament adopted the proposal but introduced a large number of
limitations. MEPs voted to clearly limit the kinds of information to be stored
on the passports, they voted against the storage of the data in a central
database and in favour of giving Data Protection Authorities oversight over the
whole process. But it is unlikely that the Council will take any of these
amendments into consideration. Under the European Union's consultation
procedure the Council can globally reject all of the Parliament's amendments.
Though it is mandatory to at least look at the parliamentary suggestions, it
will be almost impossible to do so in this case, since the Council plans to
adopt its own plan tomorrow.
of the European Parliament were deeply angered by the Council's sudden and
belated change of the draft that the Parliament had to vote on. On 25 October
2004, while the Parliament's LIBE (Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs)
Committee was voting on its report on the biometric issues, the EU's Justice and Home Affairs
ministers met behind closed doors in Luxembourg. They decided to considerably
change the document that LIBE was just voting on: Fingerprints were introduced
as a second obligatory biometric identifier, and the data were to be stored in
a central database. The draft Regulation adopted by the Council was transmitted
to the Parliament only a month later, on 26 November 2004.
Council then black-mailed the Parliament's Conference of Presidents, the body
taking decisions on the plenary agenda, to behave as if the proposal had not
undergone any significant changes and to leave it on the agenda of the plenary
session of 1 and 2 December. If the Presidents had refused, the Council
threatened to delay the introduction of the co-decision procedure for
immigration and asylum issues. In stead of giving parliament this important
power on 1 January, it was to be delayed to 1 April 2005. And if Parliament had
decided to refer the new proposal back to the LIBE committee, the Council
announced it would just completely ignore Parliament, under some obscure
than seventy civil society organizations from the EU and abroad, nine national
or regional Data Protection Commissioners and more than two hundred concerned
citizens have signed an open letter by Privacy International, State watch and
European Digital Rights opposing this proposal. It seems, however, quite
unlikely that the Justice and Home Affairs Ministers of the European Union will
take the declared will of the EU Parliament or of Civil Society into account
when introducing the obligation to fingerprint all their citizens and to store
their data in a central database.
PI, State watch and
EDRI Open Letter (30.11.2004)
governments blackmail European Parliament into quick adoption of its report on
biometric passports (27.11.2004)
Draft regulation on biometric passports (23.11.04)
report on the Commission proposal for a Council regulation on standards for
security features and biometrics in EU citizen's passports, including voting
list and all amendments (25.11.2004)
agenda for the meeting of the JHA Council (2-3.12.2004)
Council press conference video stream (available after 2 December, 20:00, for
one week)
by Andreas Dietl, EDRI EU Affairs Director)
Leading Nigerian IT Products
Provider Integrates M2SYS Fingerprint Software into Third Party National Voting
Wed, 21 Feb 2007 01:42:37 -0800 PST
By Aria Munro
Delivers Rapid Fingerprint Integration Technology to Support Successful
Deployment of Biometrically Controlled Nigerian Voting Project
M2SYS provided its Bio-Plug-in(TM)
fingerprint software, which enabled the rapid integration and deployment of a
seamless biometric module within the voting software on more than 10,000
notebook computers. Even without having access to the voting software source
code, M2SYS’ partner was able to immediately replace the existing fingerprint
module due to the unique architecture of Bio-Plug-in(TM).
“We are very pleased that we were given the opportunity to help this
important project achieve success,” commented Mizan Rahman, CEO and Chief
Scientist of M2SYS. “M2SYS was able to provide fingerprint software needed to
ensure an expeditious return on investment for the Nigerian government. Our
partner in Nigeria
was able to adopt a seamless fingerprint recognition system with the
government’s existing third party voting software in a matter of days. This
exemplifies the true power of our innovative Bio-Plugin(TM) technology.”
Bio-Plugin(TM) enables software
companies to quickly integrate a complete, seamless fingerprint recognition
system, including a high-performance 1: N identification engine. Bio-Plug-in(TM)
eliminates the system dependencies, extensive development, and specialized
knowledge of biometric complexities inherent to fingerprint SDKs.
About M2SYS Technology M2SYS,, is a recognized industry leader
in fingerprint identity management technology. Anchored by our innovative,
patent-pending solution called Bio-Plug-in(TM), we deliver fully functional,
turn-key fingerprint recognition software that instantly integrates into third
party programs, in many cases with no additional development or system upgrades
The company also offers several
stand-alone, enterprise applications and desktop security products that guard
against identity theft and protect company assets. Our fingerprint software
solutions are accelerating the growth of biometric technology adoption in the
global marketplace.
Technorati Tags: M2SYS Technology, fingerprint
identity management technology, Bio-Plug-in
fingerprint software
The Author / Editor: Aria C. Munro works in the
book publishing industry and has been a content editor for the Neotrope News
Network since 2004. Her black video iPod is most often shuffling Invader Zim
episode vids and Thomas Dolby or Dead Can Dance tunez.» Learn More about Aria Munro
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