Friday, September 14, 2018

12.03.2010 :Support Tamil Eelam Government in Exile


Appeal to Presidents/Prime  Ministers of Member nations of European Union to support Tamil Eelam Government in Exile

Hon’ble Mr. Gordon  Brown. PRIME MINISTER

Hon'ble David Miliband , Secretary of State  for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs 


 We from India on humanitarian grounds would be expressing our solidarity with Tamils of Eelam living across the continents in various countries  including Britain. Britain has special responsibility to resolve the Tamil question because it once ruled India and Ceylon and we now see a ray of hope in your utterances that reveal your sympathies too are towards Tamils of Eelam crushed by a genocidal war.

 We would like you to revisit January 1994 in your memory lane: A Year that led to the dissolution of three multinational federations namely Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia also gave birth to nineteen new states. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan , Macedonia, Moldova , Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan , Turkmenistan , Ukraine ,Uzbekistan and Yugoslavia [ Serbia and Montenegro ]. Three states namely Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania regained their independence. Chechnya in Russia and Kosovo in Serbia were engaged in struggle for independence.

European nations granted conditional recognition to these states. Therefore a precedent exists. When Tamil Eelam was struggling for independence Tamil Diaspora living in almost all of the European nations was in streets urging these nations to step in to redeem Tamils of Eelam from a genocidal war. Necessary alarm bells have been sounded and European nations which had established norms to recognize new nation states, could have applied their collective mind and proven their political will by extending the precedent to Tamil Eelam. But alas! That historical opportunity was lost by the saviors of civilized democracy whereas freedom aspiring people of Tamil Eelam failed to win recognition for their homeland nation.

In December 1991 EC Council of Ministers chose to recognize Yugoslav and [Soviet] Republics seeking independence. It was a conditional recognition. What are those conditions? Let me quote in verbatim:“The European Community and its member states confirm their attachment to the principles of Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris, in particular the principle of self determination. They affirm their readiness to recognize, subject to the normal standards of international law, those states which following the historic changes in the region, have constituted themselves on a democratic basis, have accepted the international obligations and have committed themselves in good faith to a peaceful process and to negotiations. Therefore, they adopt a common position on the process of recognition of these new states, which requires:

 ► respect for the provisions of the Charter of United Nations and the commitment subscribed to the Final act of Helsinki and in the Charter of Paris, especially with regard to rule of law, democracy and human rights.► guarantees for the rights of ethnic and national groups and minorities in accordance with the commitments subscribed in the framework of CSCE► respect the inviolability of all frontiers which can only be changed by peaceful means and by common agreements► acceptance of all relevant commitments with regard to disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation as well as to security and regional stability.► commitment to settle by agreement, including where appropriate recourse to arbitration, all questions concerning state succession and regional disputes.

Let me remind you humbly the above quoted, Declaration on Guidelines on the Recognition of new states in Eastern Europe and in the Soviet Union and the Declaration on Yugoslavia: Extraordinary EPC Ministerial meeting [Brussels} / EPC Press Releases P 128 & 129 of 1991 dated 16th December 1991. Further the Congress of Berlin 1878 had spelt safeguards for minorities in the post First World War Settlements. These documents would have given the parameters to grant recognition for Tamil Eelam and Tamils in forefront of freedom struggle would have declared independence and sought recognition as laid in these precedents, but they lacked the initiative.

 Let me also remind the precedent laid by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill during the Second World War when he endorsed the setting up of Free French Government in Exile headed by Charles De Gaulle in British soil.

Now that Tamil Eelam is under occupation by forces of aggression recognition of Tamil Eelam Government after establishing it within Srilanka would not be possible today, though it could be justified. As immediate step Britain which once granted independence to Srilanka without resolving the ethnic question, due to historical compulsions of the post-Second World War conditions, could allow the setting up of Tamil Eelam Government in Exile. Such Government must pledge to the parameters laid down as mentioned in earlier paragraphs and collective recognition of that Tamil Eelam Government in Exile must emanate from Member Nations of European Community. Britain must take the lead to mobilize support for such initiative.

Perhaps India factor and Europe’s nobility to uphold Indian geo-political interests would have made European community speechless at the height of civil war in Srilanka. But now in the aftermath of the so-called ghost of terrorism laid to rest, when in country after country Tamils of Eelam through democratic process by way of referendums are expressing in favour of Independent Tamil Eelam, it is high time for European Union to recall the precedent laid and conditions spelt for recognition of states in last decade of last century in Europe. India too houses the Tibetan Government in Exile and it would not be an untouchable proposal if a democratic Government of Tamil Eelam attains independence.

To enlighten European Union and to awaken the Indian Union it would be our duty as responsible political party in India to recall the events that led to the birth of Bangladesh before placing you our pleas for Tamil Eelam. International law had not prohibited the creation of new states by way of secession, the Singapore [1965], Bangladesh [1971] and Eritrea [1993] precedents reveal. But here we wish to lay emphasis on Bangladesh secession since India was supportive of that secession.

Let me quote from the International Commission of Jurists, “The events in East Pakistan 1971’ [Geneva ICJ, 1972 page 69] “If one of the constituent peoples of a State is denied equal rights and is discriminated against, it is submitted that their full right of self determination will revive” It must be noted that self determination here meant the right to independence. India’s use of force in violation of jus cogens was mitigated by humanitarian concerns caused by the Pakistan’s campaign of violence against Bangladeshi people. We want to stress that India forgot its own precedent, forgot its own defense as reported in the Security Council debate [UN Doc S/PV 1606 dated 4 th December 1972] with regard to its justification for intervention in Bangladesh. Much grave crimes against humanity had been unleashed in a genocidal war against Tamils of Eelam. Yet India failed to follow its own Bangladesh precedent, may be due to hatred for the group that led the freedom struggle. Now that the much despised group had been eliminated, still Tamils of Eelam are not getting any justice under the Neo-Nazi Leadership of Srilanka President Mahinda Rajapakshe; time for introspection by India had arrived.

The Dublin Report of the People’s Tribunal which comes as annexure is one more recent indictment against the Rajapakshe Government. Hence we urge the nations of European Union collectively to recognize the right of self determination of Tamils of Eelam, and allow the setting up of a Government in Exile in their soil with their recognition.

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as adopted and opened for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 2200A (XXI) of 16 December 1966 entry into force 23 March 1976, in accordance with Article 49 , PART II ,Article 2 States: 1. Each State Party to the present Covenant undertakes to respect and to ensure to all individuals within its territory and subject to its jurisdiction the rights recognized in the present Covenant, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

We are ready to prove that on each count Srilanka had miserably failed, wantonly violated the provision, ever since it got independence. Tamils of Eelam were never for independence nor for total dependence but were for interdependence, and all democratic demands endorsed by Eelam Tamils in elections and voiced through their elected Parliamentarians were never fulfilled in past and in present too, even after claiming victory there seems to be no magnanimity or maturity to meet an international obligation to Tamil minorities, who first sought federalism and when failed to attain waged a civil war, and having lost the war Tamils are treated like slaves in their own soil. It is here we appeal to your conscience to consider other options for Tamils of Eelam.

Srilanka: Ground Reality

As long as article 2 of Srilankan Constitution says “the Republic of Srilanka is a unitary state” there is no room for federalism and all talk about political solution leads only to dead end. This article blocks political devolution. It is needless to say that political devolution means creation of states with sovereign legislative power on subjects allocated or earmarked for that provincial administration.

Then the other dangerous provision from the Tamils stand point is article 76 which states “Parliament shall not abdicate or in any manner alienate its legislative power and shall not set up any authority with legislative power”. If there is no political devolution or political decentralization, what the Government of Srilanka plans to offer on platter to Tamils is nothing but slavery.

 Whoever headed or heads the Srilankan Government, they were never for resolving the conflict satisfying the legitimate demands of the Eelam Tamils. This has to be borne in mind. The past must be evaluated before accepting at face value the verbal gymnastics of Srilankan President Mr.Mahinda Rajapakshe.

 Minimum Demands that were never met:
 The following would have satisfied legitimate demands of Eelam Tamils, if Srilankan Government had offered before launching the current genocidal war against Eelam Tamils.

 A] Repeal of the Article 2 of Srilankan Constitution to pave way for the introduction of federal form of governance, or for a con-federal system of government

B] Repeal of Article 76 to allow political devolution

 C] Amending the Article 18 to declare that “the official languages of Srilanka shall be Sinhala and Tamil, enforceable throughout the country without any restrictions.

 D] Amending Article 9 to delete “the foremost place” granted to Buddhism and to declare Srilanka a secular state.

These could be termed as minimum demands that could have satiated the Tamils of Eelam before current genocidal war. These were the demands voiced from much before British left Ceylon, and were the theme of many broken pacts and failed promises, in which Srilankan Governments remains the unique country that adopted ethnic cleansing through genocide successfully, while the conscience keepers of this world must rise up to the occasion even though belatedly to support Tamil Eelam Government in Exile.

 India too fails: The Indo-Srilankan Agreement of July 1987 paved way for the temporary merger of Northern and Eastern provinces into a unified North- Eastern Province. This merger was to be endorsed by a referendum before the end of 1988. One Provincial Council was set up in North-Eastern Province as well as 7 other provinces. In order to implement this accord Mr.Rajiv Gandhi sent the Indian Peace Keeping Force in the first week of August 1987. The pressure brought by Mr.Rajiv Gandhi also made LTTE agree to cessation of hostilities. LTTE also started handing over weapons to IPKF. So far everything went well. Then how this accord was sabotaged and who torpedoed it? A general amnesty was granted under the accord to “political and other prisoners now held in custody under the Prevention of Terrorism  Act and other Emergency laws, and to combatants, as well as those persons accused, charged and or convicted under these laws.”
 Government of Srilanka, known for treachery which current breed of politicians may have erased from memory withheld amnesty to 1250 Tamil political prisoners. This was done by twisting the amnesty clause to say that it applied only to NEP and not offences committed outside North Eastern Province. LTTE retaliated by suspending surrender of arms.

 Now, to trust Mr.Rajapakshe that after eliminating terrorism, he has a peace formula under his red towel, which he will wave along with olive branch, would amount to total ignorance of the history of betrayals, for which many Sinhalese rulers till now are held accountable before the conscience of the world.

Racial Riots in 1883 hit Christians in 1902 Dalits, in 1915 Muslims, in 1930 Malayalees, then Plantation Tamils and from 1983 Eelam Tamils:

Nazism is not dead, and just because it thrives in a tiny island, it need not be condoned or ignored. The problem with Sinhalese is not Tamil-phobia. They are against everybody. The seeds of hatred are ingrained in their brains. A scholar Kumari Jayewardene, a Sinhalese herself, had chronicled the history of clashes and communal unrest in Srilanka. The starting point of Tamil Sinhala ethnic clashes are considered to be 1983. But hundred years before that, in 1883 the Sinhalese turned their ire against Catholics. The Buddhist religious firebrand Anagarika Dharmapala criticizes the British for their religion.

“When the ancestors of the present holders of our beloved land were running naked in the forests of Britain with their bodies painted and later on when their ancestors had gone under the imperial rule of Rome and some of them were being sold as slaves in the market place of Rome, our ancestors were already enjoying the fruits of glorious and peaceful civilization. Buddhism was the religion of the state in Ceylon like the Church in England in the British isles” proclaims Anagarika Dharmapala, forgetting what the sacred book of the Sinhalese, known as Mahavamsam says about the first originator of the Sinhalese race.

Born to parents who are cross breed between a Lion and a Princess that too born to a brother and sister incest couple, the unruly Vijayan driven by his father with such credentials, landed in Srilanka and married local women, i.e. Tamil, even a Pandyan princess. Then how come Sinhalese can claim racial superiority or purity. Like Anglo Indians, they are half Tamil, half foreign. So assuming they are racially superior, the Sinhalese called Christians barbarians and launched attacks in 1883. Then in 1915, Sinhalese wanted to drive away the North Indian and South Indian Muslims.

“The Mohammedans, an alien people, who in the early part of the nineteenth century were common traders, by Shylockan methods became prosperous like the Jews. The alien South Indian Mohammedan comes to Ceylon, sees the neglected illiterate villagers without any experience in trade, without any knowledge of any kind of technical industry and isolated from whole of Asia on account of his language, religion and race, and the result the Mohammedan thrives and the son of the soil goes to the wall……..What the German is to the British that the Mohammedan is to the Sinhalese by religion, race and language. He traces his origin to Arabia” incited the same Anagarika Dharmapala. Violent attacks, arson, looting were unleashed against the Muslim traders in 1915.

Readers of both the quotes from a Sinhala firebrand who planted seeds of hatred between communities and who is one among those who ignited communal clashes must take note of a contradiction in his statement. While speaking about British in 1883 he claims Sinhalese were enjoying the fruits of glorious and peaceful civilization. But in 1915, he admits that Sinhalese have no experience in trade and are without any kind of knowledge. Then how could they be the architects of the glorious and peaceful civilization. And that civilization must be of the Tamils, who can establish the fact with historical and archaeological evidences right up to Indus valley.

In between 1883 and 1915, other unfortunate riots hit the dalits from India, who had gone to Ceylon as plantation labour. The arrogant Sinhalese refused to drink tea plucked by untouchables. Later in 1930 the Sinhalese turned their ire against the 30,000 Malayalees, who had gone to Ceylon from Travancore- Cochin state. A trade union leader A.E.Kunasesinghe launched the racial fire against them by his fiery speeches.

Between 1871-1881 when coffee, tea plantations came up in large numbers in Ceylon, lots of Tamils from India went there seeking work. They constituted nearly 10 % of the then population of Ceylon. Donoughmore Commission constituted before independence said out of these roughly 50 percent labour were permanently residing in Ceylon. Jackson Report of 1928 said they were around 60 percent. The Soulbury Commission of 1946 stated 80 percent of these labour were permanent residents of Ceylon.

Donoughmore Commission had recommended that for all those who had lived for 5 years and above citizenship rights must be conferred. Ceylonese Government did not accept that recommendation, thus the crisis started. In 1940 both India and Ceylon discussed this issue. Again in 1941 September there was a bi party conference between India and Ceylon. The agreed joint declaration which emanated in this meeting was not implemented.

The irony is that in 1942 Ceylonese Government itself had written to Indian Government requesting India to permit labour to come and work in its rubber plantations. In the first General Elections of 1947 plantation labour had voting rights. They backed the Ceylon Indian Congress and elected 7 members to Parliament. They were the deciding factor in another 20 Parliamentary constituencies.

 D.S.Senanayaka, first Prime Minister of Ceylon amended the 8 th article of  the Citizenship Act and disenfranchised plantation Tamils called as Malayaga Tamils. He passed in Parliament the amendment by the year 1949 and removed people of Indian origin from the voters list. That is how the voting rights of plantation Tamils who chose 7 Members to Parliament were deprived from them. Then Indian origin people were asked to apply for citizenship. 8, 25,000 people applied for citizenship. Only to 1, 00,000 people Ceylonese citizenship was granted. To resolve this deadlock at London both Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru and Ceylon Prime Minister Dudley Senanaiyaka talked but could not resolve. In 1954 a pact was signed between Jawaharlal Nehru and Sir John Kotewala, Ceylon Premier. It was never implemented. By 1964, Srilankan Prime Minster Srimavo Bandaranaike and Indian Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri signed a pact, wherein Srilanka agreed to give citizenship to 3, 00,000 persons. India admitted to take back 5,25,000 persons.

"All American people were once migrants from Europe. Yet no European country foolishly signed a pact with America to take back its citizens. Even after signing such a pact India had left more than 2, 00.000 people of Indian origin in Srilanka.

Sinhala Racism in Parliament:

 Mr.D.M.Chandrapala, Sinhalese Buddhist Member of Parliament from Kundasale spoke the following words in Srilankan Parliament on July 1981. “Now Sir… what should we do to this so called leader of the Tamils? If I were given the power, I would tie him to the nearest concrete post in this building and horses whip him till I rise to his wits. Thereafter let anybody do anything he likes, throw him into the Beire [lake] or into the sea, because he will be so mutilated that I do not think there will be life in him. That is war.”
 Can anyone in civilized world in any of the democracies of the world, could have heard such a speech. That speech too is against democratically elected Tamil leaders demanding federalism and not independent state at that juncture. There was no terrorist in Parliament yet if Sinhala Parliamentarian spits such venom, how could Tamils live within unitary Srilanka,

 Mr.G.V.Punchinilame M.P from Ratnapura spoke in Srilankan Parliament in July 1981. “Since yesterday morning, we have heard in this Honorable House about the various types of punishment that should be meted out to them {Tamil Parliamentary Members}. The M.P from Panadura Dr.Neville Fernando said there was a punishment during the time of Sinhalese kings, namely, two areca nut posts are erected, these two posts are then drawn toward each other with a rope, then tie each of the feet of the offender to each post and then cut the rope which will result in tearing apart the body. These people should also be punished in the same way.

 …………..some Members suggested that they should be put to death on the stake, some other Members said that their passports should be confiscated, still other Members said they should be made to stand at the Galle Face Green and shot at. The people of this country want and this government is prepared to inflict these punishments on these people.”

If in Srilankan Parliament such barbarian punishments are sought against duly elected Tamil Members of Parliament even in 1981 much before the birth of militant movements, how can Tamils live under unitary Srilankan state? It is time to read the speech of the cunning fox Mr.J.R.Jayawardane, President of Srilanka, which appeared in Daily Telegraph of 11th July 1983. “I am not worried about the opinion of the Tamil people…… now we cannot think of them, not about their lives or their opinion….. the more you put pressure on the North, the happier the Sinhala people will be here… Really if I starve the Tamils out, the Sinhala people will be happy.” Mr.Mahinda Rajapakshe used starvation as weapon to make Tamils slaves and even now he handles that same weapon, a weapon much sought by Srilankan President of 1983 is still in use till 2010.Similarly there is no race on Earth called Sinhalese. Race itself is a myth, culture oriented, proven in our days when all humans have common genes. Yet under the illusion they are Aryans, a barbaric tribe claimed separate status for them, in spite of their own mythology tracing their root to a marriage between a Lion and Human Princess. The superiority complex leads Sinhalese to work overtime to ethnic cleansing, hence genocide in Srilanka starts from 1956 itself. The failure of the British to resolve many issues before granting independence to Ceylon had left Tamils at receiving end of genocide. Hence, Dravida Peravai urges Great Britain to play an active role in view of its association with India and Ceylon and its moral duty to clear the garbage accumulated in civilized governance of Ceylon.

The Indian sub continent was ruled by Tamils, their Empires disintegrated, deluge and other natural calamities struck at the Tamil land. Later in British period on their eve of departure there were 11 Presidencies and 562 princely states, which when the winds of nationalism blew over Indian sub constituent were welded together as Indian Union under a Constitution of India. The problems left over by colonialism, be it border dispute with China or Kashmir still bleeds India. Same problems galore haunt Ceylon. As head of Commonwealth too Britain has locus standi to intervene to correct past mistakes.

Let me recollect a tiny problem between India and Bangladesh which got its independence with India’s help. “The rulers of two princely states of Kooch Bihar and Rangpur within the Old Bengal Presidency during British rule in India lost their territories to each other playing the gambling by cards. There are till date 111 Indian enclaves in Bangladesh and 51 Bangladesh enclaves within India, as a result of this gamble by 2 princely states.’ Yet no one had the moral courage to resolve even this issue which every government keeps in cold storage. Hence it would not be prudent for all Member Nations of UN or of Commonwealth or of European Union to pin hopes on India alone to redeem Tamils of Eelam from slavery and to recognize their right to self determination.





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