Tuesday, June 17, 2008
தமிழ் ஈழம்
சின்னஞ் சிறு நாடுகள் விடுதலையை ஏற்பவர்கள் என்னருந் தமிழ்ஈழ விடுதலையைத் தடுப்பதா? -நந்திவர்மன் பொதுச்செயலர் திராவிடப்பேரவை
உலக நாடுகள் மன்றம் சின்னஞ் சிறு நாடுகளின் விடுதலை வேட்கையைத் தணித்து வருகிறது. தனி நாடுகளாக பல நாடுகள் ஏற்கப்படும் காலம் கனிந்து வருகிறது.
சோவியத் ஒன்றியம் சிதறிப் போகும் முன்னர் இருந்த சியார்சியாவில் தன்னாட்சியுடன் இயங்கிய பகுதி சௌத்ஒசட்டியா ஆகும். 1506 சதுரக் கிலோ மீட்டர் பரப்பளவில் 70,000 மக்கள் அங்கு வாழ்ந்தனர். விடுதலை கோரி மக்கள் இருமுறை பொது வாக்கெடுப்பில் வாக்களித்துள்ளனர். 1992 இல் ஒருமுறையும் நவம்பர்த் திங்கள் 12 ஆம் பக்கல் 2006 இல் மறுமுறையும் பொது வாக்கெடுப்பில் தனி நாடாக விழைவு தெரிவித்து அந்நாட்டு மக்கள் வாக்களித்துள்ளனர். இன்னமும் தனிநாடாக ஆகவில்லை. உலக நாடுகள் மன்றம் அந்நாட்டை சியார்சியாவின் ஒரு பகுதியாகவே இன்னமும் கருதுகிறது. ஆயின் அந்நாடு தன்னை தனிநாடாக அறிவித்துக் கொண்டது. இன்று அந்நாட்டுக் குடியரசுத் தலைவராக எட்வர்டு கொக்கோடியும் தலைமை அமைச்சராக யூரி மொரோசோவும் உள்ளனர். ஒசட்டியன் மொழியும் உருசிய மொழியும் ஆட்சி மொழிகளாக உள்ளன.
சியார்சியா நாட்டின் இன்னொரு பகுதி மக்கள் 8432 சதுரக் கிலோ மீட்டரில் வாழ்கின்றனர். 1,90,000 மக்கள் வாழும் அப்காசியா சூலைத்திங்கள் 23 ஆம் பக்கல் 1992 இல் விடுதலை பெற்ற தனிநாடாக அறிவித்துக் கொண்டது. இன்று அந்நாட்டுக் குடியரசுத் தலைவராக செர்காய் பகபக்சு அவர்களும் தலைமை அமைச்சராக அலெக்சாண்டர் அன்க்வாப் அவர்களும் உள்ளனர்.
டிரான்சுநிசுடிரியா நாடு செப்டம்பர் 2-1990 இல் தனி நாடாக அறிவித்துக் கொண்டது. 1607 சதுரக்கிலோ மீட்டர் பரப்பளவுடன் 5,37,000 மக்கள் வாழும் டிரான்சு நிசுடிரியா நாட்டின் குடியரசுத் தலைவராக இக்னோர் இசுமிநோவ் உள்ளார். மோலடோவில் இருந்து பிரிந்துள்ளது இந்த நாடு!
இந்த மூன்று நாடுகளும் தனி நாடுகள். தனி அரசுகள் நடந்து வருகின்றன. பாராளுமன்றமும் உள்ளது. குடியரசுத் தலைவர்களும் தலைமை அமைச்சர்களும் உள்ளனர். இந்த மூன்று நாடுகளுக்கும் விடுதலையை யாரும் வெற்றிலைப் பாக்கு வைத்து வழங்கவில்லை. அவை தாமாகவே தத்தமது நாட்டு விடுதலையை உலகுக்கு அறிவித்துக் கொண்டன. தனி நாடுகளாக இயங்கி வருகின்றன.
இந்த மூன்று நாடுகளும் உலக நாடுகள் மன்றம் தங்கள் நாடுகளை ஏற்க வேண்டும் என்று வலியுறுத்தி வருகின்றன. வாதாடி வருகின்றன. அவர்களின் நம்பிக்கை வீண் போகாது. நெடிய நாட்கனவு நனவாகும் அறிகுறிகள் உலக அரங்கில் ஒளி விடுகின்றன.
யூகோசுலாவிய ஒன்றியத்தில் இருந்து பிரிந்த மொண்ட்நீக்ரோ நாட்டு மக்கள் பொது வாக்கெடுப்பில் மேத்திங்கள் 21 ஆம் பக்கல் 2006 இல் விடுதலை வேண்டும் என்றனர். 3 சூன் 2006 இல் தனி நாடாகவே அறிவித்துக் கொண்டனர். சூன் 28-2006 இல் அந்நாட்டை உலக நாடுகள் மன்றம் 192 ஆவது உறுப்பு நாடாக ஏற்றுக் கொண்டுள்ளது. மே 11-2007 இல் ஐரோப்பிய ஒன்றியம் 47 ஆவது உறுப்பு நாடாக மொண்ட்நீக்ரோ நாட்டை ஏற்றுக் கொண்டுள்ளது.
இதனைத் தொடர்ந்து கொசவோ நாடு பெற்ற உரிமையும் நமக்குப் பாடமாகும். 1999 இல் உள்நாட்டுப் போர் ஏற்பட்டதைத் தொடர்ந்து உலக நாடுகள் மன்றத்தின் இடைக்கால ஆளுமையில் கீழ்வந்த கொசவோ நாடு பிப்ரவரி 2008 இல் தனிநாடாக அறிவித்துக் கொண்டது. உலக நாடுகள் மன்றம் கொசவோ நாட்டை ஏற்றுக் கொண்டுள்ளது. ஐரோப்பிய ஒன்றியமும் ஏற்றுள்ளது. அந்நாட்டுக்குப் புதிய அரசமைப்புச் சட்டம் உருவாக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. கொசவோ குடியரசுத் தலைவர் ஃபாட்மிர் செசுடியூ, தலைமை அமைச்சர் ஆசிம் தாசி இருவரும் புதிய அரசமைப்புச் சட்டத்தில் கையொப்பமிட்டு ஏற்றுள்ளனர். ஏப்ரல் 8-2008 இல் நடந்த இந்த நிகழ்வால் சூன் 15-2008 முதல் அரசமைப்புச் சட்டம் செயல்பாட்டுக்கு வரும். சிறுபான்மை மக்களின் உரிமைகளையும் பாதுகாக்கும் இவ்வரசமைப்புச் சட்ட உருவாக்கத்தில் ஐரோப்பிய ஒன்றியம் நடுவராக இருந்து உதவியது.
மொண்ட்நீக்ரோ நாடும் கொசவோ நாடும் உலக நாடுகள் ஒன்றியத்தில் இன்று ஏற்கப்பட்டுவிட்ட தனி நாடுகள். தனி அரசுடன் அவை இயங்க உலகமே உதவிக்கரம் நீட்டியது. இதைப் பார்த்துவிட்டு சௌத்ஒசட்டியா, அப்காசியா, டிரான்நிசுடிரியா நாடுகளும் தங்கள் நாடுகளின் விடுதலையை உலகநாடுகள் மன்றம் ஏற்க வேண்டும் என வேண்டுகோள் விடுத்துள்ளன.
உலக நிகழ்வுகளை கூர்ந்து கவனிக்காத தமிழ் நாட்டின் 40 பாராளுமன்ற உறுப்பினர்களும் தமிழ்ஈழத்துக்கு ஆதரவுக் குரல் எழுப்பாமல் பாராமன்றத்தில் ஊமைகளாய் ஆமைகளாய் உட்கார்ந்துள்ளனர். கொசவோவில் உள்நாட்டுக்குழப்பம் என்றதும் உலக நாடுகள் மன்றம் அமைதிப்படை நிறுத்தி இடைக்கால ஆட்சியை ஏற்று இன்று அந்நாட்டு விடுதலைக்கு வழி கோலியது.
இலங்கைக்கு இந்திய அமைதிப்படை சென்று இடைக்கால ஆட்சி ஏற்படுத்திய போது, கொசவோவில் நடந்து கொண்ட உலக நாடுகள் மன்றம் போல நடுநிலைமையுடன் இந்தியா செயல் பட்டிருந்தால் தமிழ்ஈழம் விடுதலை பெற்று பல்லாண்டுகள் ஆகி இருக்குமே?
தனி நாடுகளாக தம்மைத் தாமே அறிவித்துக் கொண்ட மொண்ட்நீக்ரோ நாட்டையும் கொசவோ நாட்டையும் ஏற்றுக் கொண்டுள்ள உலக நாடுகள் மன்றம் சௌத்ஒசட்டியா, டிரான்சுநிசுடிரியா, அப்காசியா நாடுகளின் தனி நாட்டு அறிவிப்பை ஏற்க வேண்டும் என வாதாடக் கூட இந்திய நாடாளுமன்றத் தமிழ் உறுப்பினர்களுக்கு நெஞ்சுரம் இல்லாமல் போனது ஏன்?
சின்னஞ்சிறு நாடுகளின் விடுதலைக்கு வரவேற்புப் பண்ணிசைக்கும் உலக நாடுகள் மன்றம் தமிழ் ஈழம் மலரத் துணை புரியாமல் வாய் மூடி மௌனியாக இருப்பதை உலகின் பன்னாடுகளில் பரவி வாழும் தமிழர்கள் குமுறும் நெஞ்சுமுடன் கூர்ந்து நோக்கி வருகின்றனர்கள். உலகமே விடுதலை நோக்கிச் செல்கையில் தமிழ் ஈழத் தமிழன் மட்டுமே அடிமைச் சங்கிலியால் கட்டுண்டு இருக்க வேண்டுமா? விடுதலை பிறர் தருவதன்று என்பதற்கு மேற்சொன்ன நாடுகளே சான்று. தமிழ் ஈழ விடுதலையை தமிழ் ஈழ மக்களே அறிவிக்கட்டும்! உலகம் பணிந்தே தீரும்!!
நந்திவர்மன், பொதுச்செயலர், திராவிடப்பேரவை, புதுச்சேரி, இந்தியா
Monday, June 16, 2008
Dr.Karan Singh could not carry forward his proposal with regard to the revised amendment to the Rules of the Auroville Foundation. Therein lies the power struggle between Karan Singh, who feels something, is wrong and needs correction, and the foreigners well entrenched to nourish their game plan to have control for themselves and keep Governing Board and its Chairman as puppets. This may be strong criticism, but that is what it means. Clothing their greed in polite words cannot always camouflage ultimate aim.
Let me quote from the “ conclusions and recommendations of the study group constituted for examining the implications of the revised amendment to the rules proposed by the Chairman in the context of the primary purpose of the Auroville Foundation Act”. The constitution of such group, from the report, appears to dilute Dr.Karan Singh’s proposals. We thank him for taking some initiative, instead of being totally a puppet in the hands of vested interests. But we wish to point out that he being a Member of Parliament is duty bound to ask for a Joint Parliamentary Committee to discuss his proposals to amend the Auroville Foundation Act. The Act is passed by the Parliament. And our Parliament is the right forum to decide upon amending the Auroville Foundation Act, taking stock of the past 20 years of experience of the working of the Act.
The arguments developed by Dr.Karan Singh in the preamble explaining the reasons that prompted the proposed revised amendment to Rules are as follows :
By transferring the responsibility for constituting the FAMC from the Governing Board to the Resident Assembly, the previously proposed amendment [in the year 2000] seeks to dilute the Governing Board’s statutory responsibility to secure proper management of the Foundations funds and assets.
The rules made under an Act of Parliament are subordinate or delegated legislation and cannot go beyond the explicit provisions of the Act. On this count, the rules suffer from infirmity, as in some cases, they seek to go beyond the provisions of the Act.
Besides the human asset, the properties [immovable and movable including money] are the most important assets of any organization. The responsibility for Managing these two assets of the Foundation rests squarely on the Governing Board. Thus the governing board and its Chairman are in equal measure, accountable to Parliament for proper management of both--- activities and assets.
In the eventuality of the assets being mismanaged, the Governing Board may not be able to absolve itself of its statutory responsibilities.
It becomes evident from the passages quoted above that the vested interests who are making hay while it shines wanted to amend the Auroville Foundation Act in 2000. And Dr.Karan Singh could not assimilate the arguments advanced and hence toyed with the idea of bringing revised amendment to rules. One mistake of Dr.Karan Singh that he should have discussed this issue in Parliament, which made the Act, and the Act that created the Governing Board.Dr.Karan Singh nominated by the Government of India is answerable to the Parliament elected by the people of India, and not the Resident assembly of Auroville , which is not even representative of a village panchayat under Indian local bodies act.
But Dr.Karan Singh was half hearted. He felt the throb to bring amendments and mooted proposals with earnest desire to debate in an internal forum, but forgot the national forum, namely the Indian Parliament where he should have introduced his proposals even as a private member bill, at least to draw the attention of Government of India, and Indian Parliament.
“ Therefore we believe that a statement that Auroville properties and activities are to be directly managed by the Governing Board would be in contradiction not only of the primary purpose of the Act but also with the aims of Auroville envisaged by the Mother as expressed in Auroville charter for the furtherance of which Auroville Foundation has been established.”
“ It is also important in this context that the Mother envisaged Auroville as universal , free international city, with no army and police. This statement of hers suggest a polity quite different from what is usually known in terms of administration.”
“ A strict application of the letter and provisions of the Act without reference to its spirit as presented to the Parliament would defeat the primary purpose of the Auroville Foundation which is to encourage and promote the ideals and programmes envisaged in the charter of Auroville. Similarly any proposal for a revised amendment to the Rules and the restructuring of the FAMC such as proposed by the Chairman should be aligned with the spirit of the Act and ideals of Auroville “
Dravida Peravai comments :
The Directive Principles of the Constitution of India, wherein total prohibition is set as one of its goals is not enforceable. Similarly whatever vision Ms.Mirra Alfasa, the Mother of Aurobindo’s followers had about Auroville, that is not enforceable. If India could not realize the dream of the Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi, it cannot enforce the dream of a Mother of a Group , a miniscule among Indian people.
The purpose of bringing Auroville Foundation Act was to relieve it from the clutches of the then mismanagement, when it was realized the top V.I.P committed suicide, it is alleged to escape public scrutiny. India can have free ports, duty free ones, but not free international city, eroding its sovereignty, particularly in the world where terrorists are looking for safe havens to operate.
It is against Constitution of India, and even the mandate of Indian people to their elected Parliament, which cannot declare a town as free from army or police, like litter free zones.
These words prove the allegation of Ms.Rachel Wright in the BBC news night programme that what is aimed at is Vatican type of city, independent, out of India’s sovereignty. It also establishes that this NO POLICE policy only leads peadophiles like Didier Kiem, honourably given farewell and send off to continue with his crimes in Pondicherry for few more years till law catches them.
Tamilnadu Government headed by Dr.Kalaignar M.Karunanithi who sets up special economic zones bring development to the regions, but if he allows a city free from Indian laws, to keep his police away, as if it is a private property ,it will only end in tamils driven out as refugees from Auroville.
In his letter dated May 12th of 2006, the Secretary of the Institute of Public Auditors of India made the following remarks:
“ We would reiterate that the relationship of these units with the Foundation is not clearly spelt out in any organizational guidelines”.
“ It would be appropriate if the Governing Board will initiate some discussions on the need for structural problems and inter se relationship between Foundation and the Trusts.”
THIS IS THE CORE ISSUE. SITTING UNDER THE PROTECTIVE UMBRELLA OF A GOVERNMENT FOUNDATION CREATED BY INDIAN PARLIAMENT, the white collar white men have set up various trusts which they want to run as feudal lords, not accountable to the Auroville Foundation or its Governing Board now headed by Dr.Karan Singh.
The charter says Auroville belongs to nobody but the whitemen, sorry we have no clour prejudice, we only nick name those who imagine they are in colonial period and come from superior race, which is against all that is being said that all are equals.
Auroville Charter states that Auroville belongs to nobody in particular. Auroville belongs to humanity as a whole. Then if it is so does it belong to the Tamils living in the villages for centuries, and are they made Aurovillians? Three thousand years ago Tamil poets told that every country is ours and all are our kinsmen. Such broad minded Tamils are not made Aurovillians, and it is cruel joke to proclaim Auroville belongs to nobody.
But to live in Auroville, one must be the willing servitor of the Divine Consciousness. Auroville will be the place of an unending education, of constant progress, and a youth that never ages. Well what is the yardstick to measure the level of human consciousness? What scanner the Auroville Foundation had imported to periodically check the level of human consciousness? If there is no scientific method or apparatus to evaluate the level of human consciousness for qualifying to live in Auroville, who is authorized to determine such admissions? We could not find a single youth in Aurobindo Ashram or Auroville nor Guinness Book of World Records has any entries about an international town whose youth never ages.
‘Auroville wants to be the bridge between the past and the future. Taking advantage of all discoveries from without and from within, Auroville will boldly spring towards future realizations. Auroville will be a site of material and spiritual researches for a living embodiment of an actual Human Unity.’ Sweet words but in reality ?
Before bridging past and future think of bridging the poor Tamils and affluent outsiders, and human unity can blossom only when human dignity of Tamils is respected.
N.Nandhivarman General Secretary Dravida Peravai
Friday, June 13, 2008
பப்ளிக் ஆன் AUROVILLE
Received the following comments:
sampradayak Says: June 11, 2008 at 11:48 am e
You are so right!Auroville is a neo-colonialist village occupied by the foreigners who enslaved the local Tamil populations!
Every foreigner has a personal Tamil amma or gardener now.But the French woman Mira Richard who founded Auroville said that there must be no personal servants.
95% of Matrimandir was build by the hands of hired Tamil workers from villages.But Mira Richard said that Matrimandir must be built by Aurovillians. Not by hired labor.
Bharath Nivas, Pavilion of India, was to showcase the best of India culture. The Central Gov. spends crores of rupees each year on it.At the cost of Indian tax-payer the French and Germans do their salsa, jazz and western ballet/theater shows&workshops.The French Aurovillians occupied Pavilion of India. There are almost no programs about Indian culture. But even these rare Indian cultural programs mostly are staged by foreigners who can pay the rent! SriAurobindo auditorium rent fee for showing French and German films is 10 times more than the rent fee for Indian cultural programs!!!!!!
joywave77 Says: June 11, 2008 at 3:42 pm e
it’s a bit more complicated, there are progs about Indian culture, -what progs, eh? are they the best of India culture? no, 1 french told me frankly - they don’t want the best, they allow only the worst (uncultured locals, awkward oldies, graceless v.i.p.’s from delhi), to show that indian culture is junk!
My blog in www.nandhivarman.rediffland.com received this comment.
Savitri Era
If this is she of whom the world has heard, Wonder no more at any happy change.
Savitri Era of those who adore, Om Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Savitri Era Party welcomes N. Nandhivarman's 100 Questions
N. Nandhivarman, General Secretary, Dravida Peravai, in his article, "AUROVILLE’s MATRIMANDIR: AN EYE OPENER," has promised that he will raise "100 Questions for generating awareness about the happenings in Auroville and to ensure Government of India intervenes to effect amendment to Act and initiate corrective measures." [7:06 AM & 12:22 PM]
Savitri Era Party welcomes this. [TNM]
balachander cv said...
11:16 AM 7/Jun/08
It is true. Tamil culture is very much discriminated against in Auroville. Proof of it is for example this.The Central Government gives generous grants to maintain the Bharat Nivas complex, and to conduct activities in Sri Aurobindo auditorium. Jazz, salsa and hip-hop workshops? In Bharat Nivas, pavlion of India, only 5% of activities have some connections with Indian culture. But even in these 5% mostly foreigners are allowed to perform Indian cultural shows! As per Bharat Nivas rates, for showing a French movie, the French managers of aurofilm pay rs.400.For organising bharathanatyam programmes it costs rs.4000 -10 times more than for showing a French movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Is Auroville is still a French colony????????????
chandrakant parmar said...
10:08 AM 7/Jun/08
nice article frnd.frnd post me more about castism.me is writting story on reservation ,caste based in india, www.sattu@aparajeet.com .want to know more about castism,.pls read ,my blog and suggets ,me
mallikacute Says: June 12, 2008 at 4:33 am e
Large amounts were stolen by the former treasurer of Matrimandir: a French man who calls himself “Divakar”. The scam was very easy to discover as Divakar, contrary to India’s laws, didnot keep the bills for most expenses. No bills! A former Police Liason officer of Auroville publicly accused this French man of siphoning of huge amounts, and called for a thorough investigation of Divakar’s criminal activity.
The donors to Matrimandir were not informed that the crores were stolen!
Divakar, who never pays the Indian income tax, does not have a job, officially “no income”, now enjoys a very rich lifestyle, often travels around the globe, stays in 5-star hotels, buys very costly gifts for his friends and girlfriends. How?
Leave a Reply
Saturday, June 7, 2008
The sovereignty of India and the sanctity of the Constitution of India must be borne in mind before the Ministry of Human Resources continues to support an international city project called Auroville within Indian Territory. To generate employment various Special Economic Zones are being set up, and whatever may be the initial hiccups, ultimately it provides employment to our people and helps them come out of poverty. Any government on Earth will naturally moot out and support projects that will better the lives of the people. But the international city being set up in Tamil soil marginalizes Tamil people in their own soil, tries to make them second class citizens in their own homeland, while select few harvest profits without paying minimum wages or taxes, and under the guise of being a trust, organization, association, under the umbrella provided by Auroville Foundation. Here the loophole in the Act needs to be plugged and lacunae removed will be the main thrust of our memorandum here.It is high time the Ministry of Human Resources Development takes stock of the situation and evaluates the purposes and results achieved in order to affect corrective steps for proper functioning of Auroville Foundation.
The Auroville, international city on Indian soil aimed at bringing 50,000 people into its fold, and here it must be understood that the people must be of foreign nationality or racial superiority and not the backwards and downtrodden living in villages around Auroville centuries, neither the fishermen living in coast from time immemorial. This itself is Social Injustice. Instead of integrating all people living in the area, where international city comes, to use philosophical phrases like an ideal society needs ideal men, as claimed by an Aurovillian in BBC interview, is aimed at keeping Tamils as outcasts in their own soil.
The greatest achievement of Dr.Kalaignar M.Karunanithi is the introduction of Samathuvapuram, a Town of Equality, integrating all castes and bringing social harmony. Many such Samathuvapurams have come up in Tamilnadu. It is a goal rest of India should follow suit to bridge the gap between caste divide, a curse in our society. The Auroville Foundation, must use the funds it gets from various donors and agencies, to make AUROVILLE as Samathuvapuram, and also canalize funds to develop all Samathuvapurams of Tamilnadu.
The Residents Assembly of Auroville has only 1700 people, that too half of it being foreigners .It is strange that even after 40 years the Auroville could not become a full fledged town of 50,000 people, but remains with only 1700. This means it has failed to achieve its goal. Then the need arises for the Ministry of Human Resources Development to bring in remedial measures. We have an international town. We have it under your Ministry’s control. When it slips into the downward slide of failing in its goal, your ministry has all rights to intervene. We, Dravida Peravai, urge you to bring suitable amendments to the Auroville Foundation Act, to make it a town of internationally displaced Tamil people, who have been driven as refugees. If the word Tamil refugees may sound harsh to the ears of the bureaucracy, it can be a town where Tamil refugees put up in various camps, Burma Refugees, and Tibetan refugees are rehabilitated, thereby the Refugees will be rehabilitated in Auroville.
Dr.Kirit Joshi Chairman of Governing Board with an Auroville delegation met Dr.Murli Manohar Joshi Minister for Hinduvta Development and Dr.Jagmohan Minister for Urban Development and presented the Master Plan ratified by the Governing Board in 18 &19 of December 1999. Earlier Residents Assembly had approved. (Source: Auroville Land Fund News Letter Number 12 April-May 2000). Our Question: Assembly in lexicon may mean different, here it seems Auro-villians consider it a city-state like Roman city-state. The Resident Assembly represents only 1700 people, but leaves 45,000 people living in 14 villages. Giving government land on 99 years lease to the 1700 people dominant group while not elevating the economic status of 45,000 Tamil people by assigning lease of government lands to them in their traditional soil, amounts to be like fostering re-colonialization. The Honourable Members of Parliament while the Auroville Foundation Act was introduced as bill in Parliament had suggested that the Member of Parliament in whose constituency Auroville comes up must be made a member in the Governing Board. Dravida Peravai urges not only The Tindivanam, Puducherry Members of Parliament but the Members of The Legislative Assemblies under whose jurisdiction Auroville comes up also be inducted into the Governing Board. The Local Body Chiefs too must be made members to ensure Indian sovereignty is safeguarded, to smell the foul play if a Vatican type city state seems to be the goal towards which Foundation is drifting driven by vested interests, making government appointed Secretaries mute spectator, while few Financial Officers defying the periodical mandatory transfer policy to ensure clean administration, stick to their chairs and powers, inviting Dravida Peravai to demand a CBI enquiry into the disproportionate assets accumulated by officials continuing there for decades.
Unfortunately like absentee landlords, though they may be men of eminence, few people adore the Governing Board. The Ex-Maharaja of Kashmir, Mr.Hari Singh had left Dr.Karan Singh to shed midnight oil to resolve the Kashmir issue, where thousands of Indian soldiers have shed their blood since Indo-Pakistan war broke out. Instead of devoting whole time and effort to solve Kashmir problem, Dr.Karan Singh is wasting his precious time to adore the Chairman’s Chair of Auroville Governing Board. The Indian Constitution has a special clause Article 370 for Kashmir, which protects Kashmiris. In Kashmir no Indian citizen can buy or own land, but the Kashmiri Leader Dr.Karan Singh comes to Tamil soil to preach “Divine Anarchy” advocated by French lady and occultist Mirra Alfasa, and uses his political clout to get government lands leased to Foundation, which will in return pass on to private trusts of foreigners. This is outrageous. If this practice of Tamil lands assigned to foreigners does not stop, we will demand that under Article 370, Tamilnadu too should be brought under.
A global campaign to raise $ 1 million or 5 crores by Mother’s birthday on 21 st Febraury 2004. (From 1 st January to November 2003 $ 550.000 has been donated) This is twice the amount Land Fund usually receives in a year. An excellent boost for Land Fund, and the equivalent of about 65 acres of precious land for Auroville. (Source: Land Fund News Letter number 31 November- December 2003) Question: If $ 550,000 dollars can buy 65 acres what price is for 1 acre, and whether that price goes to the actual owner? Are they giving proper price to the land, or are 192 units in Auroville paying proper wages to Tamil workers. The Leftists have left out Auroville from their watchful eyes. Nowhere in India are wages given, according to age, the study by Pondicherry University Sociology Department will reveal.
To a question what political organization do you want for Auroville? Mirra Alfasa replies: An amusing definition occurs to me: A divine anarchy. But the world will not understand. Men must be conscious of their psychic being and organize themselves spontaneously, without fixed rules and laws- that is the ideal. (Source: Draft II of a working paper on an international organization for Auroville September 2001).
Mirra Alfasa, as you said world in your time may not understand the DIVINE ANARCHY let loose by you, but in present day even a LKG child will understand that you are against the laws of the land and want to create a lawless society.
A freedom fighter Aurobindo Ghosh who fled from Bengal landed in Pondicherrry as refugee. He came under the influence of Paul Richard, a philosopher whose works he ventured to translate from French. Mahakavi Bharathiar introduced to Aurobindo Ghosh the literature of Tamil Siddhar’s especially Thirumoolar who wrote Thirumanthiram. As a blend of these influences with the mastery Aurobindo had over English he could write many books. Because he had been elevated to God status, no one dares to research the origins of his philosophy and the sources of his inspiration. But the learned judges of the Supreme Court had in their verdict admitted him to be only a philosopher and nothing more. Yet his followers propagate the idea that he is an avatar, which is an affront on the decision of the Supreme Court bench. In a bench judgment in the S.P.Mittal versus Union of India (AIR 1983) case Chief Justice V.Chandrachud, Justices P.N.Bhagawathy, V.Balakrishna Erady and R.B.Mishra with the exception of dissenting O.Chinnappa Reddy have made it clear that Aurobindo is only a Poet and Philosopher.
The Encyclopedia Britannica (1978 edition) describes Aurobindo Ghosh as “ seer, poet and Indian nationalist who originated the philosophy of cosmic salvation through spiritual evolution, a divine experience that will appear through the development of Gnostic mean to usher in a transcendental spiritual age in which man and the Universe are destined to become divine. Aurobindo’s theory of cosmic salvation, the paths to Union with Brahman is two way streets or channels. Enlightenment comes to man from above while the spiritual mind (super-mind) of man strives through yogic illumination to reach upward from below. When these two forces blend in an individual a Gnostic man is created. This yogic illumination transcends both reason and intuition and eventually leads to freeing of the individual from the bonds of individuality and by extension all mankind will eventually achieve mukthi (liberation) Thus Aurobindo created a dialectic mode of salvation not only for the individual but also for all mankind”. Says the definition.
Karl Marx and dialectical materialism stands proven in the test of times whereas those who tried to rope the word dialectical for salvation stands proven to be false prophets.
Under the head History of Hinduism, Encyclopedia Britannica says, “Another modern teacher whose doctrines have had some influence outside India was Aurobindo, who began a career as a revolutionary. He with drew from politics, however, and settled in Pondicherry, then a French possession. There he established an ashrama (a retreat) and achieved high reputation as a sage. His followers looked on him as first reincarnate manifestation of super beings whose evolution he prophesized and apparently he did not discourage this belief. After his death, the leadership of the Ashram was taken over by The Mother Madame Mira Richard, a Frenchwoman who had been one of his leading disciples” Well it is the Mira Richard’s husband Paul Richard, whose works Aurobindo translated were one of the reasons for his philosophy to blossom. Let impartial researchers dig deep into the writings of both to arrive at a conclusion who influenced whom?
Aurobindo Ghosh, the reincarnation of Lord Krishna according to his followers could not prove his philosophy while he lived. He could use the mastery of the language to mesmerize people but he failed to become a Super human being. He passed away like other mortals. While he passed away rumours were spread that there will be a resurrection, a feeble attempt to equalize with Christian beliefs. That too failed, and he is laid to rest at Ashram. His philosophy also is laid to rest there. Yet even after God-man fails in his claims the spiritual business empires built by their followers are keen to keep alive a falsity and a failed promise.
After the original prophet failed, then French woman Mira Richard became the Mother to lead the Ashram. Did she succeed? She succeeded Aurobindo as Spiritual Master but did she succeed in proving the philosophy? Let us think this aspect here. The collected words of Mira Richard had been published and recorded in audiocassettes. Mother’s Agenda as the book calls itself claims that “This tremendous document 6000 pages and in the 13 volumes is the day to day account over twenty two years of Mothers exploration into the body consciousness and of her discovery of a cellular mind capable of restructuring the nature of the body and the laws of the species as drastically as one day the first stammering of a thinking mind transformed the nature of the ape. It is a veritable document of experimental evolution. A revolution in consciousness that alters the laws of the species. And it is the question of our times, for whatever appearances, we are not at the end of a civilization but at the end of an evolutionary cycle. Are we going to find the passage to next species…. or perish? As scrupulously as a scientist in his laboratory, Mother goes back to the origins of matters formation to the primordial code, and there by chance stumbles upon the very power that changes death and upon a new energy which curiously parallels the most recent theories on the subatomic nature of matter. The key to matter contains the key to death and the key to next species”
The spiritual lady prophet who found the key to death is dead. Perhaps she had lost that key. And Aurobindo Ashram all these years had been searching for that key, and none found. Mira Richard did not succeed in altering the laws of species. And yet why she should be treated as a successful scientist or spiritualist, and to commemorate her memory, why an International City should come up in Indian soil. Has any other country allowed such projects that erode their sovereignty? We who are used to colonial rule still dream that white men have descended from heaven, even after Spencer Wells proved in his book Genetic Odyssey that all men gave common roots and are equals furthering the cause of social justice movement.
Dravida Peravai urges to amend the Auroville Foundation Act, giving backwards and downtrodden place of equal importance, curtailing the powers of foreigners, economically empowering all Tamil villagers and all refugees in this land to live in harmony in a city that should practice brotherhood instead of carrying dead wood of a failed philosopher’s dream.
N.Nandhivarman General செச்றேடர்ய்ட்ரவிடபெரவை
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